[postgis-users] ST_Transform error

Cedric Duprez Cedric.Duprez at ign.fr
Tue Jan 8 06:04:21 PST 2013

>Can you reproduce droping the ST_GeomFromText call ?

> SELECT ST_X(g) AS x, ST_Y(g) AS y
> FROM (
>   SELECT ST_Transform('SRID=4326;POINT (2.017400 49.024761)'::geometry, 27582) AS g
> ) AS req;

>And with a simpler query ?

>   SELECT ST_Summary('SRID=4326;POINT (2.017400 49.024761)'::geometry);

OK, the first query gave me the same error (lwgeom_transform: Cannot handle type 'Invalid type')

The second one gives: Point[S]


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