[postgis-users] Count Points in Polygon with Postgis

Carsten Hogertz carsten.hogertz at gmail.com
Sat Mar 16 08:53:00 PDT 2013

I've got a simple problem: I want to count the number of points within a 
set of polygons.

I have a SQL already but it only gives back the gid of the polygone that 
actually contains points.

My tables: a polygon layer with 19.000 rows and a point layer with 450 rows.

The following SQL

|select grid.gid, count(*) AS totale FROM grid, kioskdhd3 WHERE
st_contains(grid.geom,kioskdhd3.geom) GROUP BY grid.gid;

return only some 320 polygons that actually contain points. But I want 
all polygons returned, even thought the number of points is 0.

Of course it has to do with my WHERE-clause. Where do I have to put in 
my st_contains?

Thank you Carsten

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