[postgis-users] Bezier or Spline smoothing implementation
James David Smith
james.david.smith at gmail.com
Wed Sep 18 07:19:45 PDT 2013
I'm sure that it's because I don't quite understand what you are
trying to do, but why not just use the native PostGIS function -
http://postgis.net/docs/manual-2.0/ST_Line_Interpolate_Point.html ?
On 18 September 2013 15:06, <Michael.Scholz at dlr.de> wrote:
> Hey!
> First of all I can recommend two tutorials about how to use PL/R in PostGIS
> [1][2]. One possibility to interpolate splines with R is to use R's xspline
> package [3]. Some theoretical background 'bout those x-splines you'll find
> in the related paper [4]. I tried some other spline-methods in R but with
> dubious results. xspline works fine for me. A wrapping PL/R-function could
> look like this:
> /**
> * Interpolates a LineString using R's X-spline-method
> *
> * Parameters:
> * 1st - A *single* PostGIS-geometry (POINT, LINESTRING or POLYGON) *as
> text*: Use ST_AsEWKT() to pass a geometry as text.
> * 2nd - Shape parameter used in R's X-spline-method [-1.0,...,1.0]. A
> shape of 0.0 does not interpolate anything. Default: 0.5.
> *
> * Returns:
> * A PostGIS-LINESTRING-geometry covering the interpolated points.
> *
> * Usage:
> * > SELECT interpolateXSpline(ST_AsEWKT(geom), 1.0) FROM your_table
> */
> create or replace function interpolateXSpline(text, float DEFAULT 0.5)
> returns geometry as $$
> # Select the points (also from line or polygon-boundary) into a data frame
> points <- pg.spi.exec(
> sprintf("WITH pts AS (SELECT (ST_DumpPoints(ST_GeomFromEWKT(%1$s))).geom
> AS geom)
> SELECT ST_X(geom) AS x, ST_Y(geom) AS y FROM pts;",
> pg.quoteliteral(arg1)
> )
> )
> # Interpolate spline
> plot(points$x, points$y, type="n") # Dummy-call of plot() for xspline to
> work
> spline_pts <- xspline(points$x, points$y, shape=arg2, draw=FALSE)
> # Here you could simply output spline_pts and return.
> # Otherwise proceed to build a WKT linestring as shown below.
> # LineString-creation: Build beginning of WKT string for output to PostGIS
> out_line = "LINESTRING("
> for (i in 1:(length(spline_pts$x)-1)) {
> out_line = sprintf(
> "%1$s %2$f %3$f,",
> out_line, spline_pts$x[i], spline_pts$y[i]
> )
> }
> # LineString-creation: Append middle part
> out_line =
> sprintf("%1$s %2$f %3$f)",
> out_line,
> spline_pts$x[length(spline_pts$x)],
> spline_pts$y[length(spline_pts$y)]
> )
> # LineString-creation: Finalise (close)
> oline <- pg.spi.exec(
> sprintf("SELECT ST_GeomFromText('%1$s', ST_SRID(ST_GeomFromEWKT(%2$s)))
> AS ln;",
> out_line,
> pg.quoteliteral(arg1)
> )
> )
> return(oline$ln[1])
> $$ language 'plr' IMMUTABLE;
> I tried to get it to work with the 1st parameter as bytea to be able to pass
> binary geometry but got unserialize-errors in R. So for now you have to
> convert your input geometry to EWKT first and pass it as text.
> Have fun! Michi
> [1] http://www.bostongis.com/?content_name=postgresql_plr_tut01#87
> [2] http://www.bostongis.com/?content_name=postgresql_plr_tut02#98
> [3] http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/graphics/html/xspline.html
> [4]
> http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
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