[postgis-users] PostGIS 2.1.0 released

Oliver Courtin olivier.courtin at oslandia.com
Tue Feb 18 13:48:29 PST 2014

Le 24 août 2013 à 23:31, Oliver Courtin a écrit :

> Le 24 août 2013 à 18:26, Paragon Corporation a écrit :
>> The 3D and 2D stuff I think we are pretty compliant except for the fact 3D
>> SQL/MM spec is a moving target. Olivier can speak up for that since he's
>> been following the SQL/MM 3D compliant circuit more than any of us.
> Right now in OGC, (in Simple Feature Working Group) 
> there's two specifications who are still in writing process:
>  - ISO 19107:2013    (aka providing topology model for 2D and 3D, 
>                                       handling quite a lot of (new) geometry types
>                                       and unifying SFS and GML feature types model) 

FYI, public ISO 19107 NWIP, (final draft to comment, than to vote) :

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