[postgis-users] PostGIS on a Raspberry Pi

MICHAEL FENE fene_michael at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 24 17:16:21 PST 2014

Greg...This is a great post and an excellent bench mark.  Thanks for sharing this information.


 From: Andy Colson <andy at squeakycode.net>
To: postgis-users at lists.osgeo.org 
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] PostGIS on a Raspberry Pi

Dude, next time my users say the website is slow, I'm gonna blame the chickens.


On 02/24/2014 02:10 PM, Greg Allensworth wrote:
> You're running PostGIS on a RaspberryPi? That, sir, is about the coolest thing I've heard in some time. I applaud you.
> Sorry to hear about chickens messing up your query times, though. :)
> -g
> On 2/24/2014 12:06 PM, Richard Greenwood wrote:
>> I enjoy hearing about folks heating up multiple cores on their big iron.
>> Reporting from the other end of the spectrum, I have PostgreSQL 9.1 /
>> PostGIS 2.0 running on a Raspberry Pi <http://www.raspberrypi.org/>. My
>> Raspberry Pi's day job is as a chickencam
>> <http://www2.greenwoodmap.com/> (that's a web cam in the hen house
>> monitoring chickens).
>> I did an intersection of 5k complex polygons in a couple seconds. If the
>> chickens hadn't been flapping around it probably would have been even
>> faster.
>> PostgreSQL and PostGIS are amazingly flexible, scaleable pieces of software!
>> Rich
>> --
>> Richard Greenwood
>> richard.greenwood at gmail.com <mailto:richard.greenwood at gmail.com>
>> www.greenwoodmap.com <http://www.greenwoodmap.com>
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