[postgis-users] segmentize lines with order

Rémi Cura remi.cura at gmail.com
Wed Feb 26 05:13:06 PST 2014

glad it works :-)


2014-02-26 13:08 GMT+01:00 Pedro Costa <pedrocostaarma at sapo.pt>:

>  Thanks guys,
> Remi, I'm already tried the second trick and doesn't work because when I
> break the lines I get the original draw order.
> But the second trick help me a lot because I do not know 'lag'. After play
> with that function I have success:
> http://pastebin.com/eC4PGq3Q
> I have no sure if can appear another combination/sequence of order draw
> that can cause a false reverse but, for now, I have no problems...
> Em 25-02-2014 14:46, Rémi Cura escreveu:
>   OK,
>  first you may try this trick , which will be way faster to write :
> _get all start point of lines and all end points (without duplicates)
>  _merge all the lines into one (I'm guessing they are all connected, and
> don't form loop)
> _cut the merged line with the points .
>  The trick is that the merge function will take care of the order.
>  Else, you can do it with another trick : (trick2, probably faster)
>  considering you have a table with (id, line) , where id allow to order
> the line like in your drawing.
>  create a table
> (id1,line, ST_Reverse(line) ) , (each line, you have original line and
> reversed line).
>  Use windows function to get the previoust row (ie the next line)
> (according to id ASC order) (window function "lag")
>  and a case statement : if the startpoint of your current row is the same
> as the ed point of the previous row, nothing, else , get ST_Reverse of
> current row
>  --example with trick1
>  WITH the_geom AS (
>                     SELECT *
>                     FROM ST_GeomFromText('MULTILINESTRING((0 0 ,5 4, 10
> 10),(99 99 , 54 96 ,10 10))') AS geom
>                     )
>                 ,f_points AS (
>                     SELECT ST_StartPoint((ST_Dump(geom)).geom) AS point
>                     FROM the_geom
>                     UNION
>                     SELECT ST_EndPoint((ST_Dump(geom)).geom) AS point
>                     FROM the_geom
>                 ),
>                 u_f_points AS (
>                     SELECT ST_Multi(point)AS points
>                     FROM f_points
>                 )
>                 ,merged_line AS (
>                     SELECT geom, st_astext(geom), ST_LineMerge(geom) AS
> merged_l
>                     FROM the_geom
>                 )
>                 ,cut_line AS (
>                     SELECT rc_Split_multi(merged_l,points, 0)
>                     FROM u_f_points,merged_line
>                 )
>                 SELECT *
>                 FROM cut_line
> 2014-02-25 15:02 GMT+01:00 Pedro Costa <pedrocostaarma at sapo.pt>:
>>  With next line I mean next ' line geom' .  I need to verify if endPoint
>> of line 1 is the same as start point of line 2. My problem is when I have a
>> lot of lines with 'draw order wrong'. See ss atached, i need to reverse
>> line 2, 3 and 4.
>> Do you undestand me now? Or not :-)?
>> My query:
>>       WHEN ST_DWithin(ST_EndPoint(r1.geom),ST_EndPoint(r2.geom),1) THEN 1
>>       WHEN ST_DWithin(ST_EndPoint(r2.geom),ST_StartPoint(r1.geom),1) THEN
>> 1
>>     ELSE 0
>>     END AS reverse,
>>     r1.seq AS r1,
>>     r2.seq AS r2,
>>     r3.seq AS r3
>> FROM path r1, path2 r2, path2 r3
>> WHERE r1.seq = r2.seq + 1 AND r2.seq = r3.seq + 1 AND r1.seq <> 0 AND
>> r2.seq <> 0
>> Em 25-02-2014 13:50, Rémi Cura escreveu:
>>    I still don't understand what you are trying to do,
>> if you want to access the next row of a querry, you need to order the row
>> .
>>  So what does "next line" mean? How is this information stored?
>> It is possible to access other rows using windows function :
>> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/functions-window.html
>>  However I'm not certain you really need it.
>>  Could you provide a simple test case and an explanation of what you are
>> trying to do?
>>  (somehting like
>>  create table my_test;
>>  insert into my_test some_geometry_you_have_trouble_with;
>>  --describe the kind of result you want...
>>  --The problem is ..., I want to do ..., I tried ...
>>   )
>>  Cheers,
>>  Rémi-C
>> 2014-02-25 12:59 GMT+01:00 Pedro Costa <pedrocostaarma at sapo.pt>:
>>>  I was trying CASE before but i doesn't know how to access 'next line
>>> start point'.
>>> Example:
>>>     CASE
>>>      WHEN (ST_Intersects(ST_EndPoint(geom),(SELECT ST_StartPoint(geom)
>>> FROM lines WHERE seq = seq+1)))  <--- I need to get next line geom
>>>             THEN 1
>>>     ELSE 0
>>>     END AS reverse
>>> FROM lines
>>> Do you understand my problem?
>>> Em 25-02-2014 11:42, Rémi Cura escreveu:
>>>  You don't need a stored procedure,
>>>  you can simply use pure sql with the CASE WHEN ... THEN .. WHEN .. THEN
>>> .. .. END.
>>>  doc :
>>> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/functions-conditional.html
>>> If you still need plpgsql :
>>> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/plpgsql-control-structures.html#PLPGSQL-STATEMENTS-RETURNING
>>> Cheers,
>>> Rémi-C
>>> 2014-02-25 12:17 GMT+01:00 Pedro Costa <pedrocostaarma at sapo.pt>:
>>>>  thanks Remi.
>>>> I'm tying to make a stored procedure to use st_reverse when draw order
>>>> is wrong.
>>>> Now, my difficult is in writing the loop.
>>>> I can't find something like that to guide me...
>>>> Em 25-02-2014 11:11, Rémi Cura escreveu:
>>>>   You can use
>>>> http://postgis.refractions.net/docs/ST_Reverse.html
>>>>  Or simply ORDER BY DESC for your path
>>>>  Cheers,
>>>>  Rémi-C
>>>> 2014-02-25 11:49 GMT+01:00 Pedro Costa <pedrocostaarma at sapo.pt>:
>>>>>  Hi Rémi,
>>>>> Thanks for your awnser.
>>>>> My problem is that the draw order isn't equal in all lines so the path
>>>>> of st_dumppoints sometimes return ascend order and another times descend. I
>>>>> need to make a loop to make a reverse...
>>>>> Em 25-02-2014 08:33, Rémi Cura escreveu:
>>>>>    Hey,
>>>>>  I don't understand your problem.
>>>>>  If you have multilinestring, you need to break it to linestring with
>>>>> an id per multilinestring.
>>>>>  If you have linestring, you just need to keep an id for each line and
>>>>> an id per point (given in path).
>>>>>  Then you have several option to generate a ordered set of point (use
>>>>> the ORDER BY and the row_number() postgres function).
>>>>>  If you give some detailled example maybe we could help better.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Rémi-C
>>>>> 2014-02-24 19:27 GMT+01:00 Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com
>>>>> >:
>>>>>>  On 2/24/2014 11:33 AM, Pedro Costa wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>>>> I'm trying to use lines from postgis to google maps android.
>>>>>>> To do that, I'm converting the lines to points with St_DumpPoints
>>>>>>> and,
>>>>>>> in gmaps, I make the lines. My problem is that I cannot create a
>>>>>>> correct
>>>>>>> sequence to order the points in android and so i get wrong lines
>>>>>>> (see ss
>>>>>>> atached). I'm already try to use st_dumpPoints path column and
>>>>>>> generate
>>>>>>> a serial but doesn't result.
>>>>>>> Anybody knows a solution to resolve that?
>>>>>>  You probably need to write function that re-orients you lines
>>>>>> before you dump them to points. The algorithm is like this:
>>>>>> 1. for the first edge, if the start point match the the start or end
>>>>>> of the 2nd edge, if it does then st_reverse() the first edge.
>>>>>> 2. for the rest of the edges, if the edge point of the current edge
>>>>>> matches the end point of the last edge, then st_reverse() the current edge.
>>>>>> You might be able to st_union all the edges into one large edge and
>>>>>> that should create a new reorder edge.
>>>>>> No you can dump them and the order will be correct.
>>>>>> -Steve
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