[postgis-users] hard upgrade of database fails because of tsvector syntax error

Sandro Santilli strk at keybit.net
Tue Jan 7 09:04:39 PST 2014

On Mon, Jan 06, 2014 at 09:03:05PM -0500, Scott Pezanowski wrote:

> When I do a straight pg_restore of the dump file into a PostGIS database without using the postgis_restore.pl script, the database restores fine. Is there any chance I could do this and have the latest version of PostGIS 2 work on it as-is? Or could I perhaps load the legacy.sql file and then do this?
> Is there any way I could modify the postgis_restore.pl script where it would accomplish what it needs to do with the PostGIS upgrade, but then use the pg_restore command instead of piping the results to psql?
> I also have the database dumped as a SQL file. Is there any way I can use this and achieve a solid restore to PostGIS 2?

What you could do is send the output of "postgis_restore.pl" to a file,
and compare it with the output of pg_restore to see where things get
messed up. 


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