[postgis-users] Getting Started with PostGIS on Windows: Request for documentation review.
Mark Volz
MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Wed Nov 26 14:14:24 PST 2014
Regina and others.
Thank you for your assistance. I updated my documentation at http://geomoose.lyonco.org/PostGIS_New_Documentation.docx to incorporate your comments. The documentation works, but there are a couple items I would like to clear up.
1) Just to be sure we need to assign default permissions to both the database and the schema?
2) My older notes mention that ArcGIS is only compatible with PostGRES 9.2.x, and not 9.3. Has anyone had any success with 9.3?
3) It does appear that I cannot edit default permissions using pgAdmin 1.16.1. I don't know if that is a bug, or a Windows version issue. You mentioned that you have pgAdmin 1.18.1 will allow you to edit default privileges for all users in the default privileges tab. Is that the version that comes with PostGRES 9.3?
Everything now appears to be stable, secure, and repeatable. Thank you again for your help.
Mark Volz, GISP
> -----Original Message-----
> Mark,
> A couple of things I would change in the document
> 1) I wouldn't use template_postgis_20 and in fact if you are running 2.1, that is
> the wrong template to use anyway.
> You should instead create a database the normal way via pgAdmin with
> template0 or default template1
> Then do:
> (or in pgAdmin for newbies -- bit friendlier to go to the Extensions tree section
> and select postgis)
> Eventually I do plan to remove the whole template database thing from the
> installer since things like search_paths are lost when installing from template
> which is important for tiger and topology
> 2) For assigning default privileges in pgAdmin, I do see those. They show both
> on the SQL pane and if you right click the database or the schema in the Default
> Privileges tab (would show just for that schema) I'm running pgAdmin 1.18.1
> (so it could be you are running an older version that didn't have that) or
> something about the mixed casing of your group names is tripping it up.
> 3) Get rid of the WITH GRANT OPTION here because you don't want to give read
> only users rights to grant read only to other users. You probably don't
> want WITH GRANT OPTION with any of your groups except the administrator
> groups
> So should be just
> TO "GISUsersG";
> Hope that helps,
> Regina
> http://www.postgis.us
> http://postgis.net
> ---------------- ORIGINAL MESSAGE --
> Hello,
> I would like a peer review of some documentation that I put together that
> covers how to get started with PostGIS on Windows. The instructions that I
> have work, but I do not know if they are correct, or secure. The
> documentation is located at:
> http://geomoose.lyonco.org/PostGIS_New_Documentation.docx. I am putting
> this
> documentation together so that I have more of a step by step instruction set
> that will allow myself or other people the ability to use PostGIS as a
> backbone to share our GIS data in an organization to ArcView, AutoCAD Map,
> MapServer, and QGIS users.
> Some of the concerns that I have are:
> * Do I have the permissions set up correct?
> * In the past I was able to preview data in ArcCatalog. I cannot
> replicate the steps to allow previewing in Arc Catalog. Am I missing
> something?
> * I cannot view the default permissions for user groups in PGAdmin
> III in Windows. Is there any reason why? Note: I was able to work around
> the issue by running SQL.
> Thank You for help.
> Sincerely,
> Mark Volz, GISP
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