[postgis-users] Creating trajectory/lines from millions ofpoints[PostGIS]

Oliver Burgfeld oliver.burgfeld at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 12:32:05 PST 2014

Just another short question...

I would like to select a specific taxi route and create lines which 
represent this route over a specific time range.

CREATE TABLE taxiroutexy_lines AS WITH multis AS(
    SELECT routeid,vehicleid,timedate,ST_MakeLine(geom ORDER BY timedate) 
AS mylines
    FROM taxitable
    GROUP BY routeid,vehicleid,timedate
SELECT routeid,vehicleid,timedate,(ST_Dump(mylines)).geom
FROM multis;

But this only creates one line for each vehicleid over the whole timedate. 
So let's say I have timestamps from two weeks, then I will have one line 
for vehicle xy from the beginning of the timestamp to the end.
How can I modify this to get one line for each day?

Am Mittwoch, 26. November 2014 11:21:30 UTC+1 schrieb Rémi Cura:
> Or, the simplest solution of all,
> put the time in the M of each point !
> WITH multis AS (
>     SELECT
>     id
>     ,status
>     ,ST_MakeLine(
>         ST_MakePointM(ST_X(point_geom), ST_Y(point_geom), timestamp)
>         ORDER BY timestamp
>     ) AS mylines
>                 FROM your_table
> GROUP BY id, status
> )
>   id
>   ,status
>   ,ST_M(ST_StartPoint(simple_lines)) AS time_start
>   ,ST_M(ST_EndPoint(simple_lines)) AS time_end
>   ,ST_SetSRID(simple_lines,4326) AS simple_lines
> FROM multis, (ST_Dump(mylines)).geom AS simple_lines
> 2014-11-26 9:05 GMT+01:00 Hugues François <hugues.... at irstea.fr 
> <javascript:>>:
>> Hi,
>> I may be wrong, but with this method, I’m afraid you will have the same 
>> start and end time for each vehicle and status (the start time of the first 
>> line and le end time of the last one by vehicle and status) instead of a 
>> unique start / end time for each line.
>> To have the start and end for each line, I think you will have to 
>> retrieve them in a second time comparing start and end point of each line 
>> with the original gps points. Another solution would be to create a plpgsql 
>> function to build the linestring from a loop.
>> Regards,
>> Hugues.
>> *De :* postgis-us... at lists.osgeo.org <javascript:> [mailto:
>> postgis-us... at lists.osgeo.org <javascript:>] *De la part de* Roxanne 
>> Reid-Bennett
>> *Envoyé :* mardi 25 novembre 2014 19:17
>> *À :* postgi... at lists.osgeo.org <javascript:>
>> *Objet :* Re: [postgis-users] Creating trajectory/lines from millions 
>> ofpoints[PostGIS]
>> On 11/25/2014 11:48 AM, Oliver Burgfeld wrote:
>> I also tried that and it works but it does not give me those two columns 
>> in my new table. There are only id and status inside.
>> From the quer below change
>> SELECT id, status, (ST_Dump(mylines)).geom
>> to 
>> SELECT id, status, (ST_Dump(mylines)).geom, time_start, time_end
>> Something to keep an eye out for... Depending upon your version of 
>> PostGIS and the underlying libraries, because we were working with an older 
>> version of the underlying libraries, I don't know if this is still a 
>> potential issue.  We ran into issues with "stacked" points (2 GPS points 
>> with the same coordinates), and GPS drift causing issues with the 
>> linestrings being pretty goofy (jagged points in the linestring that were 
>> clearly NOT what the vehicle did).    We wrote cleanup scripts to take care 
>> of those issues (that are still in place).  I've not taken time to revisit 
>> the library routines to see if they now handle those conditions cleanly.
>> Roxanne
>> Am Dienstag, 25. November 2014 17:39:21 UTC+1 schrieb Brent Wood: 
>> as in my previous reply, I figured that would be useful...
>> WITH multis AS (
>>                 SELECT id, status,* min(timestamp) as time_start, 
>> max(timestamp) as time_end, *ST_MakeLine( point_geom ORDER BY timestamp) 
>> AS mylines
>>                 FROM your_table
>> GROUP BY id, status
>> )
>> SELECT id, status, (ST_Dump(mylines)).geom
>> FROM multisBrent Wood
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Oliver Burgfeld <oliver.... at gmail.com>
>> *To:* postgi... at googlegroups.com 
>> *Cc:* pcr... at pcreso.com; postgi... at lists.osgeo.org; 
>> postgi... at lists.osgeo.org; remi... at gmail.com 
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 26, 2014 5:10 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: [postgis-users] Creating trajectory/lines from millions 
>> of points[PostGIS]
>> Thank you and all the others who were answering :)
>> I tried that and it seems that its working. Nevertheless I only tried it 
>> with a small part of my data (round about 1 million rows out of ~500 
>> million) but if it's working now, it should also work with the whole 
>> dataset.
>> Is there a way to also include the time_field into the result? I created 
>> a new table with this statement given but there are only two columns 
>> (vehicleid and status) included. 
>> I know thats logical because I only included those two into my select 
>> clause but it would be great to not only order by time but also have a time 
>> column in my table.
>> For example:
>> vehicleid | status | time_start | time_end
>> I hope its understandable and not to mixed up...
>> Thanks!
>> Am Dienstag, 25. November 2014 16:06:33 UTC+1 schrieb Rémi Cura: 
>> Hey, a small correction :
>> ST_MakeLine is already an aggregate, and you may want to enforce the 
>> order inside the aggregate (see at the end).
>> Another interesting point is the possiblity to pu somehting in the M 
>> value of each point of the line, for instance the time.
>> This comes very handy when you want to extrat parts of the lines.
>> So for instance for the first proposition :
>> WITH multis AS (
>>                 SELECT id, status,* ST_MakeLine( point_geom ORDER BY 
>> time_field) *AS mylines
>>                 FROM your_table
>> GROUP BY id, status
>> )
>> SELECT id, status, (ST_Dump(mylines)).geom
>> FROM multis
>> Cheers,
>> Rémi-c
>> 2014-11-25 9:53 GMT+01:00 Brent Wood <pcr... at pcreso.com>:
>> or automatically get the start & end times for each trackline in the 
>> record like this:
>> WITH multis AS (
>>                 SELECT id, min(time_field) AS time_start, max(time_field) 
>> as time_end, status, ST_MakeLine(array_agg(point_ geom )) AS mylines
>>                 FROM your_table
>> GROUP BY id, status
>> ORDER BY time_field
>> )
>> SELECT id, status, (ST_Dump(mylines)).geom
>> FROM multis;
>> Cheers,
>>    Brent Wood
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Hugues François <hugues.... at irstea.fr>
>> *To:* PostGIS Users Discussion <postgi... at lists.osgeo.org > 
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 25, 2014 8:13 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [postgis-users] Creating trajectory/lines from millions 
>> of points[PostGIS]
>> Hello,
>> In your case I would have try to make multilines for each taxi and each 
>> status (i.e. two multi by taxi) and then dump them into  simple 
>> linestrings. All in a query that may look like this assuming you have a 
>> taxi id field:
>> WITH multis AS (
>>                 SELECT id, status, ST_MakeLine(array_agg(point_ geom )) 
>> AS mylines
>>                 FROM your_table
>> GROUP BY id, status
>> ORDER BY time_field
>> )
>> SELECT id, status, (ST_Dump(mylines)).geom
>> FROM multis
>> You may want to add a time reference to your lines. To do this, you can 
>> add an extraction from your timestamp field (e.g. day or month) and add it 
>> into the WITH and to the group by clause.
>> Hugues.
>> *De :* postgis-us... at lists. osgeo.org [mailto:postgis-us...@ 
>> lists.osgeo.org] *De la part de* Oliver Burgfeld
>> *Envoyé :* mardi 25 novembre 2014 07:09
>> *À :* postgi... at lists.osgeo.org
>> *Objet :* [postgis-users] Creating trajectory/lines from millions of 
>> points[PostGIS]
>> Hi,
>> I have millions of points in a PostGIS database containing taxi gps 
>> tracks. Now I want to create lines from these points by vehicleid and 
>> ordered by timestamp. But, and that's my problem right now, at first I want 
>> to include every column of my point table into the "line table" and I also 
>> need to intersect those lines at specific points.
>> I have one column representing the "taxi_is_occupied" status with 0 or 1. 
>> What I want now is to create lines which are divided every time this 
>> status changes. In the end I need lines which show the path of every taxi 
>> over time, divided every time the status of the car changes so that I can 
>> query all lines where the taxi is occupied, for example.
>> What do I have to use therefore? I know that there is the ST_MakeLines 
>> tool existing in PostGIS, but as I am a new PostGIS user... I do not know 
>> exactly how to use it to get the results I need. 
>> Thanks a lot
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