[postgis-users] How can I upload .shp files?

Elmehdi OUADOUD ouadoud.elmehdi at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 00:50:46 PDT 2015


You have 3 solutions:

1-Use QGIS specialy PostGIS Manager and import your shp files to database;
2-Use PostGIS plugin PostGIS shapefile  Import/Export Manager;
3-Use shp2pgsql command

Le mercredi 5 août 2015 04:50:58 UTC+2, Joao Bosco Jares a écrit :
> Hi All,
> I know that can sounds weird this thread. but if we are talking about a 
> popular data base, we need to meet a way to upload .shp file to post gis 
> using an API, batch files seems a terrible workaround. I tried Rjava but 
> nothing, I tried GISserver, but his .war is not working. So, I don't know 
> what I can do anymore. Any advice are very welcome.
> Ps.: I'm using Java/Spring, if anyone knows a efficient solution to deal 
> with this architecture are very welcome too.
> Thanks in advance.
> Cheers
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