[postgis-users] Cities returning as number values.

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Mon Jan 12 12:45:12 PST 2015

On 1/12/2015 2:16 PM, Barry McCall wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> When reverse geocoding the points below the address returned is "1143
> Rafter Rd, 3, TN 37385"
> SELECT pprint_addy(r.addy[1]) FROM
> reverse_geocode(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-84.2303009033
> 35.3702011108)',4269),true) As r;
> Is this bad census data, an anomaly, or postGIS issue? Or possibly user
> error on my part?

Hi Barry,

My reverse geocoder (not the postgis version) using Tiger 2014 data reports:

        lon = -84.23022580144594
        lat = 35.369982395410545
    address = 1152 Rafter Rd
    village = TELLICO PLAINS
       city = 3
     county = Monroe
      state = TN
    country = US
   postcode = 37385
   distance = 22.583276897
     linkid = 85310215

City is determined based on the county subdivision name and in some 
states this is just a number. I get the village name by looking up the 
zipcode  and getting its name.

This is just the Census data doing its funky thing.


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