[postgis-users] ST_Estimated_Extent

Nicolai Parlog nicolai.parlog at disy.net
Wed Mar 11 05:09:25 PDT 2015


I'm new to PostGIS and am tasked with making some existing queries work 
on different PostGIS versions. I am currently dealing with 
ST_Estimated_Extent and have a question regarding its behavior changes 
across different versions.

In some failure cases (e.g. empty table) the method returns null. But 
this was not always so, "[p]rior to version 1.5.4 an exception was 
thrown instead"[1, 2]. But I know that at least in 1.3.3 it also returns 
null and was told that this changed some time in 1.4.x.

I did not find anything to that effect in the release notes[3]. It would 
be great if someone could point me to a source which documents when the 
behavior changed from "return null" to "throw an exception".

  Thanks in advance
  Nicolai Parlog

[1] http://postgis.net/docs/ST_Estimated_Extent.html
[2] http://postgis.net/docs/release_notes.html#idp72360512
[3] http://postgis.net/docs/release_notes.html

Disy Informationssysteme GmbH
Nicolai Parlog, Diplom-Informatiker
Tel: +49 721 1 6006-405, Fax: +49 721 16006-05
E-Mail: nicolai.parlog at disy.net

Firmensitz: Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 6, 76131 Karlsruhe
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Mannheim, HRB 107964
Geschäftsführer: Claus Hofmann

Environment . Reporting . GIS

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