[postgis-users] raster2pgsql wildcards on windows

toni hernández toni at sigte.udg.edu
Tue Oct 6 07:48:40 PDT 2015

Hi all,

How can I import several raster files from several folders with 
raster2pgsql on windows?

This is what I am trying unsuccessfully.

raster2pgsql -r d:\postgis_in_action\ch13_data_code\vietnam\dted\*\*.dt0 
-s 4326 -F -t 50x50 -I vietelev > vietelev.sql

"Unable to read raster file"  is what I get.

*Toni Hernández Vallès*
Servei de Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica i Teledetecció
Universitat de Girona
Pl. Ferrater Mora 1
17071 Girona
Tel +34 972 418 039 (7026 intern)
toni at sigte.udg.edu <mailto:toni at sigte.udg.edu>

Twitter http://twitter.com/SIGTE_UDG

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