[postgis-users] standardize_address: Rule does not work

Iris Rititnger (Terraplan) mailinglisten at terraplan.com
Tue Oct 27 03:00:15 PDT 2015


I am trying to use the standardize_address function to standardize 
german street names.  But I have a problem when the street is recognized 
as some kind of special token and then followed by a space.

When I try
select * from standardize_address('lex_d','gaz_d','rules_d','Hein 
strasse 11')
I get the result I wish for: name -- HEIN STRASSE; house_num -- 11
When I try
select * from standardize_address('lex_d','gaz_d','rules_d','Hein str 11')
I get an empty row as result.
When I try
select * from standardize_address('lex_d','gaz_d','rules_d','Hein str11')
I get the result I wish for: name -- HEIN STR; house_num -- 11

My lex and gaz tables are empty.  My rule table only has two rules
1 1 0 -1 5 5 1 -1 1 1
1 0 -1 5 1 -1 1 1
It seems that str is recognized as something different even though my 
gaz and lex tables are empty.

When I add the rule 1 2 0 -1 5 5 1 -1 1 1 and define 
;1;"STR";"street";2; in my lex table I still have the same problem
select * from standardize_address('lex_d','gaz_d','rules_d','Hein 
str11') gives me a result of name -- HEIN street and house_num -- 1
select * from standardize_address('lex_d','gaz_d','rules_d','Hein str 
11') returns an empty row.

To double check I installed pagc on my computer.  Here I get the desired 
result when I define the rule 1 2 0 -1 5 5 1 -1 1 1, but this does not 
seem to work in Postgis.

Do you know why it is not working.  Can I somehow get postgres to show 
me the input and output tokens it tries to use like pagc shows me?


Iris Rittinger
Gewerbestraße 33
79227 Schallstadt
Fon 07664 - 5053 13
Fax 07664 - 5053 21

Iris Rittinger
Gewerbestraße 33
79227 Schallstadt
Fon 07664 - 5053 13
Fax 07664 - 5053 21

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