[postgis-users] questions/issues when creating a topology
Lucas Ferreira Mation
lucasmation at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 03:57:48 PST 2016
I am trying to create a topology to fix some "small area" polygons that
have gaps and overlaps in between them. The data is available here
is for a small state for "prototyping", I'll also need to replicate to the
remaining 26 states in Brasil, full data here
With help from stkr at the IRC, after upgrading to postgis 2.2.1 I managed
to create the topologies, by adding polygon by polygon so errors can be
The basic code is:
SELECT topology.DropTopology('t_temp_geom2');
SELECT topology.CreateTopology('t_temp_geom2',32719);
select topology.addtopogeometrycolumn('t_temp_geom2',
DO $$DECLARE r record;
UPDATE temp_geom SET tg_geom_dump_UTM =
toTopoGeom(ST_Force2D(geom_dump_utm),'t_temp_geom2', 1,1)
WHERE gid= r.gid;
RAISE WARNING 'Loading of record % failed: %', r.gid, SQLERRM;
The idea is to add polygon by polygon to the topology/topogem so that
errors can be skipped.
I tested this with different SRIDS (original in degrees and reprojected),
different tolerance parameters (nothing, 1m). I posted the full code for
the queries and results here
This testing left me with many questions (apologies in advance for a long
1) What is the role of ST_Force2D() function in
toTopoGeom(ST_Force2D(geom),...) ? The code fails if I omit this function.
However my data is already 2D.
2) In most test I did, I got an error when uploading one or two polygons
(out of a 900 polygons in Acre state). How can I add these afterward?
Assume all the edges that define those error-polygons have already been
added. How do I define a new face by those edges and attribute that to the
topogeom for these error-polygons?
Let's say polygon A can be defined by edges 1, 2, 3 and 4, which are
already in the topology when other polygons were inserted. How do I define
face A and attribute that to the topogeom?
3) Is there a way to manually edit topologies, in QGIS for instance? I'm
thinking of a workflow for repairing a map. After doing the automatic fixes
in Postgis and creating a topology, someone wants to manually correct some
feature. For instance, move an edge or a point, while maintaining the
topological properties. Is there a QGIS plugin for that?
4) Is not including a tolerance parameter in to... equivalent to a zero
5) Does topology behaves differently depending on whether the SRID is in
decimal degrees or meters? Ideally, I would prefer to have the tolerance
parameter in meters, as it is a more intuitive unit and have a constant
amount of "snapping" across the areas. However that means choosing a
specific UTM zone for reprojecting each state. However states in Brasil are
quite large, spanning more then one UTM zone. Even Acre, the small state I
used for testing spans two UTM zones
6) I tested creating topologies with the original Sirgas 2000 decimal
degree spatial reference (srid 4674, a decimal degree system, quite similar
to wgs84 but slightly more optimized for Brasil) and also with a
reprojection to a UTM zone (srid 32719), which is where most of the
polygons are located. The errors are not the same.
With the tolerance parameter, the UTMzone projection and 1m
tolerance (section 1 of code mentioned above) I get errors in only 1
polygon. With the original SRID and 0.0001 degrees tolerance (section 3 of
the code) I get errors in 2 polygons.
Without any tolerance parameter the differences are even larger. The UTMzone
projection with no tolerance (section 2 of the code) gives 2 loading
errors. With the original SRID and no tolerance (section 4 of the code) I
get upload errors for all polygons.
7) Has there been any progress on some sort of index for topogeometries, so
spatial queries can run faster? (I found this 2013 tread
the topic, but nothing more recent). Of course one can always cast to
geometry (topogeom::geometry) and index that, but that is duplicating the
information somewhat.
tks in advance for any guidence on any of the questions above
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