[postgis-users] Getting unpackaged PostGIS 2.0.7 into an extension?

Tom Watson tom.watson at freightwatchintl.com
Mon Jan 18 16:49:33 PST 2016

We have a 750GB production database that was originally created on PostgreSQL 9.0 and has an unpackaged implementation of PostGIS 2.0.7. We’re now on PostgreSQL 9.4, and we’re still running the unpackaged PostGIS 2.0.7. We need to get to a packaged (extensions) implementation of PostGIS 2.1.8. We have tried every conceivable approach using the sql scripts in the …/share/extensions directories for PostgreSQL 9.1 and 9.4, but so far no success.

We would very much appreciate advice on how to accomplish this using an approach that doesn’t require a dump and restore. Our downtime window is only 15 minutes, whereas a dump and restore would take nearly 24 hours.

Thanks in advance.


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