[postgis-users] st_astext() created invalid

Brian Peschel brianp at occinc.com
Thu Jul 21 08:04:12 PDT 2016

Not sure I understand what is happening here.

I have a geom:
select * from my_temp ;

Which PostGIS says is valid:
select st_isvalid(geom) from my_temp ;
(1 row)

I then convert to a format I can read:
select st_astext(geom) from my_temp ;
  POLYGON((-94.6898658986372 40.2641585373625,-94.689792 
40.264159,-94.6898658986372 40.2641585373625,-94.6899557 
40.2641586,-94.6899422 40.2648449,-94.6895121 40.2648446,-94.6895202 
40.2644328,-94.6895229 40.2642956,-94.6895255428102 
40.2641612082088,-94.6895256 40.2641583,-94.6898658986372 40.2641585373625))
(1 row)

But that isn't valid.  It is self intersecting (point 1 and point 3 
repeat).  And if I check the validity of the st_astext version:
select st_isvalid(geom), st_isvalid(st_geomfromtext(st_astext(geom), 
4269)) from my_temp;
NOTICE:  Self-intersection at or near point -94.689865898637194 
  st_isvalid | st_isvalid
  t          | f
(1 row)

Any idea what is going on here and how can I prevent it?

- brian
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