[postgis-users] ST_Intersects differing results

Rémi Cura remi.cura at gmail.com
Wed May 25 02:43:17 PDT 2016

Hey, if you want to do it the robust way,
you can use a shared surface distance :
for instance, ST_area(ST_Intersection(A,B)) / ST_Area(A)
where A is you polygon, and B  your zoning information.

If everything is snapped, you could also use topology.



2016-05-25 3:45 GMT+02:00 Paul Norman <penorman at mac.com>:

> On 5/24/2016 6:31 PM, Timothy Asquith wrote:
>>     - I’m experimenting with ST_Snap and filtering out ST_Touches, but it
>> still returning the same 3 results
> You may want to use the dimensionally extended 9 intersection model (
> http://postgis.net/docs/manual-2.2/using_postgis_dbmanagement.html#DE-9IM)
> if there isn't a function that expresses what you want.
> Be sure to add a geom1 && geom2 condition if applicable so you get index
> usage.
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