[postgis-users] raster2pgsql, _add_raster_constraint_extent fails with "array size exceeds the maximum allowed"
Regina Obe
lr at pcorp.us
Sun Nov 20 19:28:36 PST 2016
I've reopened the ticket you noticed and will use ST_Extent for the fix.
I think we should avoid using transform though.
I've put my notes on ticket.
Thanks for the benchmarks,
-----Original Message-----
From: postgis-users [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Avernar
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2016 2:36 PM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion <postgis-users at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] raster2pgsql, _add_raster_constraint_extent fails with "array size exceeds the maximum allowed"
I made one last change. I added ST_Transform in there just for the case when the SRID constraint is not set and there are more than one SRID in the raster column. Only adds 9 seconds to the run time.
Here's what I have now:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _add_raster_constraint_extent(
rastschema name,
rasttable name,
rastcolumn name)
RETURNS boolean AS
fqtn text;
cn name;
sql text;
attr text;
srid integer;
fqtn := '';
IF length($1) > 0 THEN
fqtn := quote_ident($1) || '.';
fqtn := fqtn || quote_ident($2);
cn := 'enforce_max_extent_' || $3;
sql := 'SELECT ST_SRID('
|| quote_ident($3)
|| ') FROM '
|| fqtn
|| ' LIMIT 1;';
EXECUTE sql INTO srid;
sql := 'SELECT
|| quote_ident($3)
|| '), '
|| srid
|| ')), '
|| srid
|| ')) FROM '
|| fqtn;
EXECUTE sql INTO attr;
sql := 'ALTER TABLE ' || fqtn
|| ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' || quote_ident(cn)
|| ' CHECK (st_envelope('
|| quote_ident($3)
|| ') @ ''' || attr || '''::geometry)';
RETURN _add_raster_constraint(cn, sql);
COST 100;
On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 1:53 PM, Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us> wrote:
> I'm a little suspicious you don't have ST_MemUnion. That's been
> around for a while (since 1.* days) and hasn't been deprecated. Which
> version of PostGIS are you using? And did you upgrade from earlier versions?
> Changing the logic to
> SELECT st_ashexewkb(st_envelope(st_memunion(st_envelope(
> Should just work. In thinking about this, what I really would have
> liked to do is just use ST_Extent which takes advantage that it's just
> collapsing boxes and needs to return a box
> And does do it one at a time similar to ST_MemUnion, but it has a
> downside that it returns a box and not a geometry with SRID so we'd
> have to throw a ST_SetSRID in there to convert the box to a geometry
> with srid, but then we can dispense with the last ST_Envelope.
> As far as whether you need an extent constraint, there is no harm in
> leaving it out in most cases. Main reason it exists is for tools like
> QGIS that interrogate the
> raster_columns table to be able to return a quick extent. I think for
> geometry they use ST_EstimateExtent.
> Even then with those tools, I think no biggie if you have another
> layer limiting the map extent. If you have a table that big, using
> raster overviews is more important.
> One annoying thing about having an extent constraint is you can't add
> more records without removing the constraint and recomputing. So if
> you plan to add more records,
> I would suggest A) dispense with the constraint or B) Hand-code the
> extent constraint to cover the full area you expect your dataset to
> cover in future.
> Question: How many rows do you have and what is the pixel width height?
> Hope that helps,
> Regina
> http://www.postgis.us
> http://postgis.net
> I was importing a very large raster set and after a day it failed with
> array size exceeds the maximum allowed when setting the extent
> constraint.
> I redid the import again by just doing the table create and then
> adding the data and then doing the final bunch of sql statements
> manually to avoid having the whole thing rollback again.
> I first tried the fix discussed here
> https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/3501 and implemented here
> https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/changeset/15115 but that failed with
> the array size error as well. So I redid the constraints without the
> extent one.
> I would try ST_MemUnion but unfortunately that one is missing in my
> installation. I guess it's because it also handles 3D and the 3D
> option is not compiled in by default on my platform.
> So, what would a pl/pgsql script to do what MemUnion does, ie
> accumulate one at a time, look like?
> Also, what issues would not having an extent constrain have?
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