[postgis-users] Bounding Box form center using lat long and meters.

Andy Colson andy at squeakycode.net
Sun Nov 27 06:46:21 PST 2016

On 11/26/2016 09:00 AM, Chris wrote:
> I'm wanting to be able to generate the bounding cords from the data, I've tried to figure out the query but haven't had much luck using PostGIS.
> The center coordinates of the image is 35.1495343, -90.0490665 lat long The box should be 180 Meters wide and 135 Meters high my Heading is 12 Degrees.
> Image width and height are as follows if its needed 4000 W, 3000 H. If something else would be more suitable like gdal please let me know.
> I want to "automate" the geo-referencing on these single images with out using something like QGIS" where I can use it in mapbox.
> |"overlay": { "type": "image", "url": "https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/assets/radar.gif", "coordinates": [ [-80.425, 46.437], [-71.516, 46.437], [-71.516, 37.936], [-80.425, 37.936] ] }|

So you are looking for some sql to generate a 180x135 box around a give center point?


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