[postgis-users] ST_value slow

J Payne jcpayne at uw.edu
Sat Feb 4 15:21:53 PST 2017

Hi Rémi,


My query was:

UPDATE hourly_positions hp SET landform = 

  (SELECT ST_Value(rast,hp.geom4326) FROM landforms4326_128 lf where (lf.rast && hp.geom4326) AND ST_Intersects(lf.rast,hp.geom4326))


You wrote: “your update is not safe because a point may intersect several tiles.”  I’d like to understand that better.  Is this an edge-condition problem (i.e., a point falls right on an edge between two tiles)?  If so, my query would fail because the subquery would return more than one value, correct?  


If a point is right on the edge between two tiles, is there any situation where ST_Value(rast,point) might return different values from the two tiles?  I saw your reply to a similar problem in this post,


where you suggested adding something like this:


WITH (your computing)

SELECT DISTINCT ON (line_id, poly_id) , poly, line

FROM your computing

ORDER BY ST_Length(line) ASC


…but if ST_Value() ever returns more than one value, DISTINCT will return both(all), which might just add to your problems.  I notice that the questioner responded “my fix was to detect such lines and intersect them with the original polygon instead of the tiled one.”  I guess I’m just confused about what is really happening with the tiles.






P.S. I’m not sure why, but using the bbox did speed up the query a little bit.  


From: postgis-users <postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Rémi Cura <remi.cura at gmail.com>
Reply-To: PostGIS Users Discussion <postgis-users at lists.osgeo.org>
Date: Saturday, February 4, 2017 at 11:23 AM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion <postgis-users at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ST_value slow


You're welcome !

Actually I guess that the function is intended to work on one tile and one point.

So using a bbox would have no sense.

Now if you use it on a  whole table instead of one tile, 

you have to add intersect conditions and so.

By the way your update is not safe because a point may intersects several tiles.




2017-02-04 20:00 GMT+01:00 J Payne <jcpayne at uw.edu>:

Hi Rémi,


Thanks for the suggestion.  I tiled the raster and added a ST_Intersects, and the whole operation finished in just a couple of minutes (the previous version hadn’t completed when I left it running overnight).  The command I used was this:


UPDATE hourly_positions hp SET landform = 

  (SELECT ST_Value(rast,hp.geom4326) FROM landforms4326_128 lf where (lf.rast && hp.geom4326) AND ST_Intersects(lf.rast,hp.geom4326))


So, I don’t mean to sound critical of PostGIS, because I love the program and I have the utmost respect for everyone who works on it, but it appears to me that ST_Value is a “dumb” function; i.e., it doesn’t know how to find pixels in a raster with any reasonable speed.  Is there any technical reason that its speed couldn’t be improved?  As I mentioned in my original question, this operation (finding pixel values at many individual points) is commonly needed for certain classes of problems.


Thanks again for saving my bacon!




From: postgis-users <postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Rémi Cura <remi.cura at gmail.com>
Reply-To: PostGIS Users Discussion <postgis-users at lists.osgeo.org>
Date: Saturday, February 4, 2017 at 3:01 AM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion <postgis-users at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ST_value slow



I suppose your raster is correctly cut into small pieces.

You should first try to clock one point value retrieval.

It should be < 50ms (or you have an index issue)


Then you could force the use of index by writting a function 
update_one_point(point) $$ update XXX set XXX WHERE ST_Intersects(rast,point);$$


You would then call your function on all points:

SELECT update_one_point(hp.geom4326)






2017-02-04 6:44 GMT+01:00 J Payne <jcpayne at uw.edu>:

Hello.  I have an animal track that wanders around on a landscape, and I want to extract the pixel values for each location on the track.  This kind of operation is very common for animal studies.  The landscape is represented by a one-row raster map (“landforms4326”), and the GPS positions are in a table called “hourly_positions”.  I am using a recent version of PostGIS and a very simple query to find the pixel values:


UPDATE hourly_positions hp SET landform = (SELECT ST_Value(rast,hp.geom4326) FROM landforms4326)


I have about 450,000 points, and both the landscape raster and the point geometries are indexed.  For some reason, the operation is *incredibly* slow (it’s already been running for more than 8 hours on a nearly new Macbook Pro, and still isn’t finished).  Am I missing something?  I can’t for the life of me imagine why it would be so slow, since PostGIS is very fast with all sorts of other operations on the same data (intersections, etc.).





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