[postgis-users] Improve 3D BB query on large set of lines

Tom Kazimiers tom at voodoo-arts.net
Tue Jan 17 13:43:13 PST 2017

Hi all,

I am using Postgres 9.6 with PostGIS 2.3 and want to improve the 
performance of a bounding box intersection query on a large set of 
lines. I asked the same questions two month ago on 
gis.stackexchange.com, but didn't get any reply. Therefore, please 
excuse me for cross-posting, but I figured this list would be a good 
place to ask. This is the original post:


Problem: We store about 6 million lines/edges in a 3D space and use an axis
aligned bounding box to find all intersecting (and included) lines. This works
well, but we want to improve the query time for larger point sets.

Context: Tree-like 3D structures represent neurons, each node has a parent node
or it is the root. At the moment we deal with about 15 million nodes, grouped
into 150000 trees (many > 10000 nodes). I want to improve existing performance
bottlenecks with bigger result sets plus I plan to scale this setup to 10-100x
the nodes. Typical query bounding boxes are rather slices than boxes, 
i.e. they expand any range in XY, but only a short distance in Z, but it 
could in principal any dimension that is "flat".

Setup: The table storing edges looks like this:

  =>\d+ treenode_edge
		   Tabelle »public.treenode_edge«
	 Spalte   |          Typ          | Attribute 
   id         | bigint                | not null
   project_id | integer               | not null
   edge       | geometry(LineStringZ) | 
	  "treenode_edge_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
	  "treenode_edge_gix" gist (edge gist_geometry_ops_nd)
	  "treenode_edge_project_id_index" btree (project_id)

Note that there is a 3D index for the edge column in place (treenode_edge_gix).

Current timing: To request 2000 nodes with an typical bounding box size I use
the following query:

  SELECT te.id
  FROM treenode_edge te
								 -- left bottom z2, right top z1   
  WHERE te.edge &&& 'LINESTRINGZ( -537284.0  699984.0 84770.0,
								  1456444.0 -128432.0 84735.0)'
				   -- left top halfz, right top halfz,
				   -- right bottom halfz, left bottom halfz,
				   -- left top halfz; halfz (distance)
  AND ST_3DDWithin(te.edge, ST_MakePolygon(ST_GeomFromText(
	  'LINESTRING( -537284.0 -128432.0 84752.5, 1456444.0 -128432.0 84752.5,
				   1456444.0  699984.0 84752.5, -537284.0  699984.0 84752.5,
				   -537284.0 -128432.0 84752.5)')), 17.5)
  AND te.project_id = 1
  LIMIT 2000;

This takes about 900ms, statistics are up-to-date. This is not so bad, 
but I look for strategies to make this much faster still. The &&& 
operator filters already most of the existing edges by bounding box test 
(using index) so that ST_3DWithin only needs to check the edges that are 
most likely part of the result.

The query plan looks like this:

  Limit  (cost=48.26..4311.24 rows=70 width=8) (actual time=856.261..864.208 rows=2000 loops=1)
	 Buffers: shared hit=20470
	 ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on treenode_edge te  (cost=48.26..4311.24 rows=70 width=8) (actual time=856.257..863.974 rows=2000 loops=1)
		   Recheck Cond: (edge &&& '01020000800200000000000000886520C100000000A05C25410000000020B2F440000000003C39364100000000005BFFC000000000F0AFF440'::geometry)
		   Filter: ((edge && '0103000080010000000500000000000000AB6520C100000000185CFFC000000000F0AFF44000000000AB6520C100000000C35C254100000000F0AFF440000000804D39364100000000C35C25410000000020B2F440000000804D39364100000000185CFFC00000000020B2F44000000000AB6520C100000000185CFFC000000000F0AFF440'::geometry) AND (project_id = 1) AND ('0103000080010000000500000000000000886520C100000000005BFFC00000000008B1F440000000003C39364100000000005BFFC00000000008B1F440000000003C39364100000000A05C25410000000008B1F44000000000886520C100000000A05C25410000000008B1F44000000000886520C100000000005BFFC00000000008B1F440'::geometry && st_expand(edge, '17.5'::double precision)) AND _st_3ddwithin(edge, '0103000080010000000500000000000000886520C100000000005BFFC00000000008B1F440000000003C39364100000000005BFFC00000000008B1F440000000003C39364100000000A05C25410000000008B1F44000000000886520C100000000A05C25410000000008B1F44000000000886520C100000000005BFFC00000000008B1F440'::geometry, '17.5'::double precision))
		   Heap Blocks: exact=1816
		   Buffers: shared hit=20470
		   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on treenode_edge_gix  (cost=0.00..48.25 rows=1044 width=0) (actual time=855.795..855.795 rows=2856 loops=1)
				 Index Cond: (edge &&& '01020000800200000000000000886520C100000000A05C25410000000020B2F440000000003C39364100000000005BFFC000000000F0AFF440'::geometry)
				 Buffers: shared hit=18654
   Planning time: 3.467 ms
   Execution time: 864.614 ms

This shows clearly that the big bounding box test on all existing edges is the
problem, though it already makes use of the GiST index. Are there maybe 
other indices available that can discard many far-away bounding boxes 
without looking at them, i.e. that useses a hierarchy like an octree? So 
far I didn't find any, but it looked like the SP-GiST interface might be 
useful if one were to create a new one.

Alternatives: There is one approach that I currently implement to improve this,
but I'd like to hear if someone has alternative, possibly better or other

This is what I tried: create a new table that would partition the space
into many cubes and store for each all intersecting edges. New, updated or
deleted nodes would then lead to an update of the relevant cubes, something
that would probably have to run asynchronously (didn't implement the 
update yet). Queries then pre-filtered the space by only looking at 
relevant cubes instead of using the &&& operator with the bounding box 
of each edge. For a range of cubse sizes this improved query time quite 
a bit, the above query would run in about a third of thet time above. 
However, I realize cell sizes will behave differently for different 
dataset, but I didn't try to implement a dynamic cube size update, yet.  
Thinking about it, it makes me wonder if it wouldn't be best if I would 
implement a octree---table based or as an extension.

Now I also saw the pointcloud extension and its indexing looked very
interesting (octree), but I couldn't really see how it could work in my 
use case. But I would appreciate ideas if you see a way to make it work.


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