[postgis-users] ST_EstimatedExtent and identifier case sensitivity rules

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Fri Aug 9 09:36:30 PDT 2019


I create a table using:


I run:

SELECT ST_EstimatedExtent('public', 'AbCdEfG', 'g')

Using PostGIS 2.1.3, this fails with "public.abcdefg relation does not exist"

Using PostGIS 2.5.2, it succeeds.

Using 2.1.3, am I just lucky to hit this regression fixed in 2.1.4?

Generally, assuming no regressions occur, is this correct to
assume functions taking identifiers as literals like
ST_EstimatedExtent, AddGeometryColumn
are case-insensitive, even if tables and columns were created
as case-sensitive (double-quoted)?

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

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