[postgis-users] ArcGIS desktop accessing and reading from PostGIS

Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Tue Aug 20 09:06:08 PDT 2019


One biggie, is that the ESRI side does not like connecting to the “postgres” named database, claiming it’s a System database (whatever that means).  This is not readily available as a limitation either when looking for reasons why it won’t connect.  We’ve been using the “postgres” database name for years (a decade now??) with no ill effects from other applications/ connections.  I sort of understand this from the commercial side having worked with other databases like Oracle and MSSQL, but still, there should be a way to side step this with a setting somewhere.

I looked high and low for a way to alias the “postgres” database name inside of Postgres, but didn’t find anything very easy to implement or maintain very easily.  I did think about setting up another dataabase and using Views to the postgres database, but that seemed like a bad idea for some reason, along with being somewhat hard to maintain, but upon reflection I keep coming back to the idea.

All non “postgres” named connections seem to work fine so far.  Haven’t implemented anything yet that is really heavy duty as far as loading though, so who knows.

Anyway, just my 2cents.


On Aug 20, 2019, at 10:12 AM, Shaozhong SHI <shishaozhong at gmail.com<mailto:shishaozhong at gmail.com>> wrote:

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How to ensure that all versions of ArcGIS desktop applications can access and read from server-based PostGIS/PostgreSQL?


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