[postgis-users] Any way of assigning a name alias to the system "postgres" database?

Jorge Gustavo Rocha jgr at di.uminho.pt
Tue May 21 15:36:57 PDT 2019

Hi Bob,

In which context you want to use an alias?

If it is just for connecting to the database, check pg_services.conf
[1]. It allows you to use a name that will be resolved by the local
pg_service.conf file.

You can also use a client pool manager, like pgBouncer. It allows you to
use a local name, different from the database name.

I hope it helps.


Jorge Gustavo

[1] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/libpq-pgservice.html
[2] https://pgbouncer.github.io/

Às 20:19 de 21/05/19, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) escreveu:
> All (trying PostGIS users first),
> I have a need to call it by another name, but also to leave it named as
> is for legacy stuff.
> Anyone know of a way to do this?
> Thanks
> bobb
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J. Gustavo
Jorge Gustavo Rocha
Departamento de Informática
Universidade do Minho
4710-057 Braga
Tel: +351 253604480
Fax: +351 253604471
Móvel: +351 910333888
skype: nabocudnosor

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