[postgis-users] Request to help on GIS Query improvement suggestion.
Andreas Neumann
a.neumann at carto.net
Fri May 22 06:00:23 PDT 2020
This e-mail list is dedicated to Postgis problems and not SQL problems
in general.
Your WHERE part in the query seems quite complicated. If you have
several "LIKE"s, static and dynamic parts mixed wildly with
concatenation in your WHERE filter, I fear that no index covers such a
scenario. At the end you are probably forced to sequential scans for
such queries.
Besides, I wouldn't use upper case object names in PostgreSQL.
But again: ask in a proper place and you are more likely to get replies.
Or get some commercial support. You don't seem to be very familiar with
PostgreSQL or SQL in general, so getting some commercial support would
probably be a good investment to help you get started.
On 2020-05-22 14:15, postgann2020 s wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> Thanks for the update.
> I have created an index as per suggestion. But it seems the query is not utilizing the index on the column. Is am I missing something?.Is I have to add expression somethings like..?
> CREATE INDEX cable_pair_parental_path_trgm_idx ON schema.table_name USING gin (parental_path gin_trgm_ops);
> Explain Plan:
> =============
> Limit (cost=108111.60..108111.61 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=4597.605..4597.605 rows=0 loops=1)
> Output: ((seq_no + 1)), seq_no
> Buffers: shared hit=2967 read=69606 dirtied=1
> -> Sort (cost=108111.60..108113.09 rows=595 width=4) (actual time=4597.603..4597.603 rows=0 loops=1)
> Output: ((seq_no + 1)), seq_no
> Sort Key: TABLE_NAME.seq_no DESC
> Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 25kB
> Buffers: shared hit=2967 read=69606 dirtied=1
> -> Seq Scan on SCHEMA.TABLE_NAME (cost=0.00..108108.63 rows=595 width=4) (actual time=4597.595..4597.595 rows=0 loops=1)
> Output: (seq_no + 1), seq_no
> Filter: ((TABLE_NAME.parental_path ~~ '%,sheath--64690,%'::text) OR (TABLE_NAME.parental_path ~~ 'sheath--64690,%'::text) OR (TABLE_NAME.parental_path ~~ '%,sheath--64690'::text) OR (TABLE_NAME.parental_path = 'sheath--64690'::text))
> Rows Removed by Filter: 1930188
> Buffers: shared hit=2967 read=69606 dirtied=1
> Could you please suggest on this.
> Regards,
> PostgAnn.
> On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 5:43 PM postgann2020 s <postgann2020 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> Thanks for update.
> I have created index as per suggestion
> On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 4:26 PM Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems that this query has nothing to do with the spatial aspect of Postgis. I therefore recommend to look also at PostgreSQL support channels.
> But in general: queries using LIKE, esp. when the wildcard characters are at the beginning or in between, or worst case at the start and end often can't use an index, exp. btree indexes.
> Best to avoid LIKE whenever possible and also have a look at pg_trgrm and use a GIST or GIN index.
> Have a look at https://niallburkley.com/blog/index-columns-for-like-in-postgres/
> Greetings,
> Andreas
> On 2020-05-22 12:45, postgann2020 s wrote:
> Hi Team,
> Thanks for your support.
> Could someone please suggest on the below query.
> One of the query which was created on GIS data is taking a long time and even it is not taking the index as well. I have included all the required details for reference.
> Database Stack:
> ===============
> PostgreSQL : 9.5.15
> Postgis: 2.2.7
> Table Structure:
> ===================
> Created Indexes on column parental_path:
> =================================
> CREATE INDEX cable_pair_parental_path_idx
> USING btree
> (md5(parental_path) COLLATE pg_catalog."default");
> CREATE INDEX cable_pair_parental_path_idx_fulltext
> USING gist
> (parental_path COLLATE pg_catalog."default");
> Sample data in "parental_path" column:
> ======================================
> 'route--2309421/2951584/3373649/2511322/1915187/2696397/2623291/2420708/2144348/2294454,circuit--88458/88460,sheath--8874'
> Actual Query:
> =============
> SELECT seq_no + 1 FROM SCHEMA.TABLE_NAME WHERE (parental_path LIKE '%,sheath--' || cable_seq_id || ',%' OR parental_path LIKE 'sheath--' || cable_seq_id || ',%' OR parental_path LIKE '%,sheath--' || cable_seq_id OR parental_path = 'sheath--' || cable_seq_id) ORDER BY seq_no DESC LIMIT 1;
> Explain Plan:
> =============
> Limit (cost=108111.60..108111.61 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=4597.605..4597.605 rows=0 loops=1)
> Output: ((seq_no + 1)), seq_no
> Buffers: shared hit=2967 read=69606 dirtied=1
> -> Sort (cost=108111.60..108113.09 rows=595 width=4) (actual time=4597.603..4597.603 rows=0 loops=1)
> Output: ((seq_no + 1)), seq_no
> Sort Key: TABLE_NAME.seq_no DESC
> Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 25kB
> Buffers: shared hit=2967 read=69606 dirtied=1
> -> Seq Scan on SCHEMA.TABLE_NAME (cost=0.00..108108.63 rows=595 width=4) (actual time=4597.595..4597.595 rows=0 loops=1)
> Output: (seq_no + 1), seq_no
> Filter: ((TABLE_NAME.parental_path ~~ '%,sheath--64690,%'::text) OR (TABLE_NAME.parental_path ~~ 'sheath--64690,%'::text) OR (TABLE_NAME.parental_path ~~ '%,sheath--64690'::text) OR (TABLE_NAME.parental_path = 'sheath--64690'::text))
> Rows Removed by Filter: 1930188
> Buffers: shared hit=2967 read=69606 dirtied=1
> Please share your suggestion.
> Thanks & Regards,
> PostgAnn.
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