[postgis-users] Configuration and performance of PostGIS

Imre Samu pella.samu at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 14:14:17 PDT 2022

>  as St_intersects or recursive query used,

The other alternative  (  ~ less efficient )  is  using a “noded” network
table ( "edge_table" )
in the recursive query.  ( and don't forget to add indexes to the "source"
and  "target" columns )

WITH RECURSIVE walk_network(id, source, target, targetPoint) AS
 (SELECT et.id,et.source,et.target,ST_EndPoint(the_geom) as targetPoint
         FROM edge_table et WHERE et.id = *12*
    SELECT e.id, e.source, e.target ,ST_EndPoint(the_geom) as targetPoint
    FROM edge_table e
       , walk_network w
    WHERE w.target = e.source
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_MakeLine(targetPoint))
FROM walk_network
|            st_astext            |
| LINESTRING(4 2,3 2,2 1,1 1,0 0) |
(1 row)


Imre Samu <pella.samu at gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2022. ápr. 22., P,

> > With a large data set,
> :-)
> please give more detail:
> - How large?
> - and what is your real "business problem"?   what type of network?
> > I tried to use this
> http://blog.cleverelephant.ca/2010/07/network-walking-in-postgis.html in
> the PostGIS.
> As I see this is a directed "network graph", and I will try using the
> pgRouting tool - for a large graph!
> *( "pgRouting extends the PostGIS/PostgreSQL geospatial database to
> provide geospatial routing and other network analysis functionality." )*
> The pgRouting project did not exist in 2010/07   when this blogpost was
> written!
> [image: image.png]
> so I have adapted the example network ( from the original blogpost )
>    to pgRouting and this is my  sample result
> ---------- ALL "downstream path" from "all deadends" sorted by descending
> cost ---------
> +------------+-----------+---------+-------------------------------------+--------------+
> | route_cost | start_vid | end_vid |            the_geom_text            |
>   edge_ids   |
> +------------+-----------+---------+-------------------------------------+--------------+
> |       6.24 |      3044 |    3000 | LINESTRING(4 4,3 4,2 3,1 2,1 1,0 0) |
> {13,9,6,3,1} |
> |       5.83 |      3043 |    3000 | *LINESTRING(4 3,4 2,3 2,2 1,1 1,0 0)
> | {12,8,5,2,1} |*
> |       4.83 |      3024 |    3000 | LINESTRING(2 4,2 3,1 2,1 1,0 0)     |
> {10,6,3,1}   |
> |       4.41 |      3014 |    3000 | LINESTRING(1 4,1 3,1 2,1 1,0 0)     |
> {11,7,3,1}   |
> |       3.41 |      3031 |    3000 | LINESTRING(3 1,2 1,1 1,0 0)         |
> {4,2,1}      |
> +------------+-----------+---------+-------------------------------------+--------------+
> and the second line is same as in the blogpost ( *"Downstream(12)" *example)
> ,
> just with an extra "deadends" points  ;    the edges :*  {12,8,5,2,1}  *
> start_vid : starting node/vertex id ( "deadends" in this example )
> end_vid  : ending node/vertex id   constant 3000 (0,0)
> node/vertex id = 3000 + X*10+Y coordinate   //  ( 2,1 ) --> 3021  ; (0,0)
> --> 3000
> > Whenever geospatial functions such as St_intersects or recursive query
> used,
> IMHO: A good scalable data model is extremely important.
> pgRouting has 2 important (separated)  steps.
> - creating a routing topology -  route optimized database ( with "start" -
> and "end" node/vertex  )
> - fast routing/graph/"network-walking"  functions - without the geometry
> ( using Boost Graph c++ library )
>     ( in this example I have used
> https://docs.pgrouting.org/3.3/en/pgr_dijkstra.html )
> and this is my adapted "routing" topology edge table :
> CREATE TABLE edge_table (
>     id bigint primary key,
>     source bigint,
>     target bigint,
>     cost float,
>     reverse_cost float,
>     the_geom geometry
> );
> -- network example from
> --   http://blog.cleverelephant.ca/2010/07/network-walking-in-postgis.html
> INSERT INTO edge_table VALUES( 1, 3011, 3000, 1, -1, 'LINESTRING(1 1, 0
> 0)');
> INSERT INTO edge_table VALUES( 2, 3021, 3011, 1, -1, 'LINESTRING(2 1, 1
> 1)');
> INSERT INTO edge_table VALUES( 3, 3012, 3011, 1, -1, 'LINESTRING(1 2, 1
> 1)');
> INSERT INTO edge_table VALUES( 4, 3031, 3021, 1, -1, 'LINESTRING(3 1, 2
> 1)');
> INSERT INTO edge_table VALUES( 5, 3032, 3021, 1, -1, 'LINESTRING(3 2, 2
> 1)');
> INSERT INTO edge_table VALUES( 6, 3023, 3012, 1, -1, 'LINESTRING(2 3, 1
> 2)');
> INSERT INTO edge_table VALUES( 7, 3013, 3012, 1, -1, 'LINESTRING(1 3, 1
> 2)');
> INSERT INTO edge_table VALUES( 8, 3042, 3032, 1, -1, 'LINESTRING(4 2, 3
> 2)');
> INSERT INTO edge_table VALUES( 9, 3034, 3023, 1, -1, 'LINESTRING(3 4, 2
> 3)');
> INSERT INTO edge_table VALUES(10, 3024, 3023, 1, -1, 'LINESTRING(2 4, 2
> 3)');
> INSERT INTO edge_table VALUES(11, 3014, 3013, 1, -1, 'LINESTRING(1 4, 1
> 3)');
> INSERT INTO edge_table VALUES(12, 3043, 3042, 1, -1, 'LINESTRING(4 3, 4
> 2)');
> INSERT INTO edge_table VALUES(13, 3044, 3034, 1, -1, 'LINESTRING(4 4, 3
> 4)');
> full example code - with data&code:
> https://gist.github.com/ImreSamu/efda6093b67391a0edafff39d8056cb5
> if you are interested in more examples.. check the pgRouting tutorial
> for example: *"Pre-processing waterways data"*
> https://workshop.pgrouting.org/2.7/en/un_sdg/sdg11-cities.html#pre-processing-waterways-data
> regards,
>   Imre
> Shaozhong SHI <shishaozhong at gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2022. ápr. 22.,
> P, 1:22):
>> Whenever geospatial functions such as St_intersects or recursive query
>> used, the PostGIS appears to spawn away to many child queries and just
>> obliterate the CPU.  Nothing finishes.
>> That forced me to try out to do the some tasks on the FME server.
>> I tried to use this http://blog.cleverelephant.ca/2010/07/network
>> -walking-in-postgis.html in the PostGIS.
>> I tried to linecombiner in FME.  LineCombiner | FME (safe.com)
>> <https://www.safe.com/transformers/line-combiner/>.
>> With a large data set, the running of processors were monitored.  It was
>> estimated the PostGIS one would take 16 days to complete.
>> But, it only took a few minute to do the same thing in FME.
>> This suggests that something is not right with the PostGIS Server.
>> Have anyone got experience with configuration and improving perfomance of
>> PostGIS Server?
>> Regards,
>> David
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