[postgis-users] ST_Intersection - Slow with raster, fast with polygonized raster?
Florian Nadler
florian.nadler at cybertec.at
Sun Jan 30 23:42:09 PST 2022
can you provide execution plans for both queries?
In the meantime, please try the following variants:
select (foo.geomval).val,
sum(st_area((geomval).geom))as area_ft2 from (
select (st_intersection(a.rast,b.geom_2263))as geomval from base_rasters.landcover6in_2017a join scratch.smallsampleb on st_intersects(a.rast::geometry,b.geom_2263))as foo group by val;
select (foo.geomval).val,
sum(st_area((geomval).geom))as area_ft2 from (
select (st_intersection(a.rast,b.geom_2263))as geomval from base_rasters.landcover6in_2017a join scratch.smallsampleb on st_intersects(a.rast,b.geom_2263)where a.rast && b.geom_2263)as foo group by val
Am 31.01.2022 um 04:32 schrieb Mike Treglia:
> Hi all,
> I was exploring raster/vector overlays, basically to calculate the
> area of each of several landcover classes (from raster data) within an
> area or sets of areas (delineated in polygon/multipolygon data). In
> the past, I had ended up polygonizing the raster, making sure the
> polygonized layer had a spatial index, and developing a query from there.
> But I wanted to come back to the problem and see if I could do it in
> what seemed like the more elegant way, using the raster directly
> without an intermediate step of polygonizing it. While I'm able to do
> it, at least on a small sample area, it's at a huge performance cost.
> I'm wondering if I'm just missing something I need to do to make the
> raster-based version operate more efficiently. (For what it's worth,
> rasters like this, are also slow to load into QGIS and such [though
> once loaded, are fairly quick to render], so I wonder if that's
> related at all and fixable.)
> My test case is in New York City - I'm working with a six-inch
> resolution landcover dataset for the entirety of NYC
> (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Environment/Land-Cover-Raster-Data-2017-6in-Resolution/he6d-2qns),
> which I'm overlaying with a small subset of parcels in a small
> geographic area. In this example, below, I'm just adding up the area
> for each landcover class across the focal parcels for simplicity.
> When using the polygonized landcover data, it takes about 170ms. When
> using the raster landcover data, it takes about 1 min 20 seconds.
> Below are the queries, as well as the information about the raster
> table in PostGIS, and the raster2pgsql code I used to load the layer
> into the database. Curious to hear any thoughts from folks on the
> list. Of course if there's anything else I can share that would be
> helpful, let me know
> Thanks so much! Best,
> Mike
> Here are the queries I'm running:
> 1) Original Raster over Polygons- ~1 min 20 sec
> ---------
> select
> (foo.geomval).val,
> sum(st_area((geomval).geom)) as area_ft2
> from (
> select (st_intersection(a.rast, b.geom_2263)) as geomval
> from base_rasters.landcover6in_2017 a
> join scratch.smallsample b
> on st_intersects(a.rast, b.geom_2263)) as foo
> group by val;
> 2) Polygonized Raster over Polygons ~0.170 ms
> ---------
> select lc_2017_value,
> sum(st_area(st_intersection(a.geom_2263, b.geom_2263))) as area_ft2
> from base_rasters.landcover6in_2017_polygons a
> join scratch.smallsample b
> on st_intersects(a.geom_2263, b.geom_2263)
> group by lc_2017_value;
> Here's the information for the raster table. (I had added a second
> index in hopes it might help but no, it didn't).
> ---------
> Table "base_rasters.landcover6in_2017"
> Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
> --------+---------+-----------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------------
> rid | integer | | not null |
> nextval('base_rasters.landcover6in_2017_rid_seq'::regclass)
> rast | raster | | |
> Indexes:
> "landcover6in_2017_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (rid)
> "landcover6in_2017_envidx" gist (st_envelope(rast))
> "landcover6in_2017_st_convexhull_idx" gist (st_convexhull(rast))
> Check constraints:
> "enforce_height_rast" CHECK (st_height(rast) = ANY (ARRAY[128, 46]))
> "enforce_max_extent_rast" CHECK (st_envelope(rast) @
> '0103000020D70800000100000005000000C3F528DC3DD72B41CCCCCCCCB46BFC40C3F528DC3DD72B413333333349B31041E27A14EE9E4930413333333349B31041E2
> 7A14EE9E493041CCCCCCCCB46BFC40C3F528DC3DD72B41CCCCCCCCB46BFC40'::geometry)
> "enforce_nodata_values_rast" CHECK
> (_raster_constraint_nodata_values(rast) = '{0.0000000000}'::numeric[])
> "enforce_num_bands_rast" CHECK (st_numbands(rast) = 1)
> "enforce_out_db_rast" CHECK (_raster_constraint_out_db(rast) =
> '{f}'::boolean[])
> "enforce_pixel_types_rast" CHECK
> (_raster_constraint_pixel_types(rast) = '{8BUI}'::text[])
> "enforce_same_alignment_rast" CHECK (st_samealignment(rast,
> '0100000000000000000000E03F000000000000E0BFC3F528DCBDB92E413333333349B3104100000000000000000000000000000000D708000001000100'::
> raster))
> "enforce_scalex_rast" CHECK (round(st_scalex(rast)::numeric, 10) =
> round(0.5, 10))
> "enforce_scaley_rast" CHECK (round(st_scaley(rast)::numeric, 10) =
> round(- 0.5, 10))
> "enforce_srid_rast" CHECK (st_srid(rast) = 2263)
> "enforce_width_rast" CHECK (st_width(rast) = 128)
> Here's the raster2pgsql code I used to load the raster in the first place:
> -------
> raster2pgsql -s 2263 -d -C -t 128x128 -M -I -l 4,16
> "NYC_2017_LiDAR_LandCover.tif" base_rasters.landcover6in_2017 | psql
> -h localhost -U postgres -d nycdb -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1
> Lastly - here's my PostGIS info (Running on Windows 10, 64 bit):
> POSTGIS="3.1.1 3.1.1" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="130" GEOS="3.9.0-CAPI-1.14.1"
> SFCGAL="1.3.8" PROJ="7.1.1" GDAL="GDAL 3.2.1, released 2020/12/29"
> LIBXML="2.9.9" LIBJSON="0.12" LIBPROTOBUF="1.2.1" WAGYU="0.5.0
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