[postgis-users] Geometry Viewer in PgAdmin

Bo Victor Thomsen bo.victor.thomsen at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 10:42:50 PST 2022

Actually, you can upload basically any QGIS vector based layer directly 
into a PostGIS database (connected to QGIS). No need for a shapefile detour

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Bo Victor Thomsen

Den 09-03-2022 kl. 18:45 skrev ruvenml at beamerbrooks.com:
> Yet another reason to install QGIS is that it will read just about any 
> GIS data format; the layer can then be saved as a shapefile which can 
> be imported into PostGIS using the PostGIS Shapefile import tool.
> Ruven Brooks
> On 3/8/2022 9:59 PM, Brent Wood wrote:
>> I'd also look as DBeaver, it has a free Community Edition and a nice 
>> (but basic) geometry viewer for Postgis. Built in support for a good 
>> set of backgrounds as well. Postgis columns are auto displayed as WKT 
>> which I find useful.
>> For a user (vs admin) of a Postgis DB I think DBeaver is nicer than 
>> PgAdmin. It does primitive ERD's, which I don't think PgAdmin can do 
>> yet, but that might have changed since I last looked...
>> And you can access many other databases than just Postgres.
>> But I agree with Ruven, if you want to do more that a casual perusal 
>> of Postgis data, go QGIS.
>> Brent Wood
>> On Wednesday, March 9, 2022, 03:41:01 PM GMT+13, 
>> ruvenml at beamerbrooks.com <ruvenml at beamerbrooks.com> wrote:
>> Out of idle curiosity, I looked at Geometry Viewer.   It allows just 
>> one data display layer so you can only look at one table/query at a 
>> time. The style of the geometric objects is hard coded so you can't 
>> change their color, background pattern, line style etc. It does not 
>> support color scales.  I can't think of any use case for which it 
>> would be useful.
>> I would strongly suggest using QGIS instead.  Not only does QGIS have 
>> all of the capabilities missing from Geometry Viewer but it will read 
>> directly from PostGIS tables.  Since it's so widely used there's lots 
>> of documentation and other learning materials; I counted five 
>> different Youtube beginner's tutorials.
>> Ruven Brooks
>> On 3/8/2022 5:02 AM, Shaozhong SHI wrote:
>> Sometime, when clicking on the eye button in PgAdmin, Geometry Viewer 
>> gets into a mode to display background map with options like Empty, 
>> Street, Topography, Grey Scale, Light Colour and Dark Matter.
>> I am interested in making use of visualisation within PgAmin.
>> Are there any documentation or guides on how to make the best use of 
>> these in PgAdmin?
>> Regards,
>> David
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