[postgis-users] Append a list of tables to an empty table to form a whole table

Bo Victor Thomsen bo.victor.thomsen at gmail.com
Fri Oct 14 01:48:55 PDT 2022

David, this is a list for Post*GIS *related questions. Your question is 
strictly Post*Gres* related.

However, you can use the following SQL commands:

-- Create new empty table with the same columns/types as "table_a".
CREATE TABLE new_table (LIKE table_a);

-- Create primary key constraint and index on geometry
ALTER TABLE new_table ADD PRIMARY KEY (your_pk_column); -- change to 
relevant column name
CREATE INDEX ON new_table USING GIST (your_geom_column); -- change to 
relevant column name

-- Insert rows from 3 tables with the same structure into table "new_table"
INSERT INTO new_table SELECT * FROM table_a;

-- Will only work if there is no overlap on primary key values in the 3 
INSERT INTO new_table SELECT * FROM table_b;
INSERT INTO new_table SELECT * FROM table_c;

Best regards

Bo Victor Thomsen, Ms.Sc.Eng
aestasGIS Denmark

Den 14-10-2022 kl. 07:59 skrev Shaozhong SHI:
> How best to append a list of tables to an empty table to form a whole 
> table?
> Pseudo codes show the desirable logic.
> There are a list of tables with exactly same colums
> table_a
> table_b
> table_c
> Create an empty table  emp_table
> Foreach a_name in ARRAY ARRAY['table_a', 'table_b', 'table_c'] loop
>    insert into em_table as select * from table a_name
> end loop;
> Can something like that be done is PostGIS?
> Regards,
> David
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