[postgis-users] ERROR: type "raster" is only a shell

Marcelo Marques marcelosmbr at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 14:06:55 PDT 2022

-- Platform:
Windows Server 2019
PostgreSQL 12.12
Postgis 3.2.3

*SELECT postgis_full_version();*

"POSTGIS=""3.2.3 3.2.3"" [EXTENSION] PGSQL=""120""
GEOS=""3.10.3-CAPI-1.16.1"" PROJ=""7.2.1""
LIBXML=""2.9.9"" LIBJSON=""0.12"" LIBPROTOBUF=""1.2.1"" WAGYU=""0.5.0
(raster procs from ""2.4.4 r16526"" need upgrade)"

** NOTE: postgis 3.2.3 and raster 2.4.4 **

***-- Upgrade the Postgis Extensions***

*SELECT postgis_extensions_upgrade();*

NOTICE:  Packaging extension postgis_raster

*ERROR:  type "raster" is only a shell*

CONTEXT:  SQL statement

*"CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster SCHEMA public VERSION unpackaged;ALTER
EXTENSION postgis_raster UPDATE TO "3.2.3""*

PL/pgSQL function postgis_extensions_upgrade() line 71 at EXECUTE

SQL state: 42704


Why the extension upgrade returns "ERROR:  type "raster" is only a shell"

Is this another bug ???

Is there any other workaround for this issue besides
"uninstall_rtpostgis.sql" described below ???

***--SOLUTION: ***

-- uninstall postgis_raster

\c rev
\i 'C:\\Program Files\\PostgreSQL\\12\\share\\contrib\\postgis-3.2\\

*SELECT postgis_extensions_upgrade();*

"Upgrade completed, run SELECT postgis_full_version(); for details"

NOTICE:  Extension postgis_raster is not available or not packagable for
some reason

NOTICE:  Extension postgis_sfcgal is not available or not packagable for
some reason

NOTICE:  Extension postgis_topology is not available or not packagable for
some reason

NOTICE:  Extension postgis_tiger_geocoder is not available or not
packagable for some reason

Successfully run. Total query runtime: 144 msec.
1 rows affected.

*SELECT postgis_full_version();*

"POSTGIS=""3.2.3 3.2.3"" [EXTENSION] PGSQL=""120""
GEOS=""3.10.3-CAPI-1.16.1"" PROJ=""7.2.1""
LIBXML=""2.9.9"" LIBJSON=""0.12"" LIBPROTOBUF=""1.2.1"" WAGYU=""0.5.0

*CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster;*


Query returned successfully in 227 msec.

*SELECT postgis_full_version();*

"POSTGIS=""3.2.3 3.2.3"" [EXTENSION] PGSQL=""120""
GEOS=""3.10.3-CAPI-1.16.1"" PROJ=""7.2.1""
GDAL=""GDAL 3.4.3, released 2022/04/22 GDAL_DATA not found""
LIBXML=""2.9.9"" LIBJSON=""0.12"" LIBPROTOBUF=""1.2.1"" WAGYU=""0.5.0
(Internal)"" RASTER"

*SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions WHERE name LIKE 'postgis%';*

"name" "default_version" "installed_version" "comment"

"postgis" "3.2.3" "3.2.3" "PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and

"postgis_raster" "3.2.3" "3.2.3" "PostGIS raster types and functions"

*DROP EXTENSION postgis_raster;*


Query returned successfully in 94 msec.


I appreciate the assistance to clarify my questions.


Marcelo Marques | Principal Product Engineer | Esri - www.esri.com |
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