[postgis-users] Problem with Nested Loop in a query with postgis

Anderson Mallmann a.a.mallmann at gmail.com
Mon Jul 17 07:23:10 PDT 2023


Here at the company I work for, we upgraded a postgres database from
version 10 to 14 and postgis 2.5.3 to 3.3.3 and in a specific query we
noticed a huge performance decrease between these versions. This query was
running less than 1s and now it takes more than 50s.
Now we are trying to figure out what the real problem is and in which
version this started to happen. Some of our discoveries so far:

1) The query runs fine until postgis 3.1.7
2) In postgis 3.1.8 the query execution changed from Merge Semi Join to
Nested Loop Semi Join.
3) Running this query on postgis >= 3.1.8 disabling nested loop with “set
enable_nestloop = false” the query runs as before without any problem.

We don’t know why the plan changed in postgis >= 3.1.8 to use Nested Loop,
but even in earlier versions if any query like this uses nested loop, the
performance drops.

SELECT pols.pol_id, pols.type, kml, json_build_object('type', 'Feature',
'geometry', st_asgeojson(pols.geom)::jsonb) as geoJson, pols.status
pol_status, pols.owner_id pol_owner, pols.details, pols.creation_date as
pol_creation_date, pols.country as country, pols.state as state, pols.city
as city, pols.label as label FROM polygons pols WHERE pols.owner_id is null
AND pols.status = 'ACTIVE' AND pols.type in ('REGION') AND
pols.details->>'state' in (SELECT s.state FROM states s WHERE
ST_GeographyFromText('POINT(-43.113826 -22.9022)'),'15000')) AND
(ST_DWithin(ST_GeographyFromText('POINT(-43.113826 -22.9022)'),
Geography(pols.geom),'15000')) AND
(ST_MaxDistance(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-43.113826 -22.9022)', 4326),
pols.geom) * 111195) <= '15000'

Here are the explains for this query:

pg 14 - postgis 3.1.7
 Merge Semi Join  (cost=15.83..16.04 rows=1 width=263) (actual
time=529.041..586.241 rows=416 loops=1)
   Output: pols.pol_id, pols.type, pols.kml, json_build_object('type',
'Feature', 'geometry', (st_asgeojson(pols.geom, 9, 8))::jsonb),
pols.status, pols.owner_id, pols.details, pols.creation_date, pols.country,
pols.state, pols.city, pols.label
   Merge Cond: (((pols.details ->> 'state'::text)) = (s.state)::text)
   Buffers: shared hit=3193
   ->  Sort  (cost=4.49..4.50 rows=1 width=4656) (actual
time=244.333..244.367 rows=416 loops=1)
         Output: pols.pol_id, pols.type, pols.kml, pols.geom, pols.status,
pols.owner_id, pols.details, pols.creation_date, pols.country, pols.state,
pols.city, pols.label, ((pols.details ->> 'state'::text))
         Sort Key: ((pols.details ->> 'state'::text))
         Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 1314kB
         Buffers: shared hit=2131
         ->  Index Scan using polygons_geography_state_idx on
region.polygons pols  (cost=0.28..4.48 rows=1 width=4656) (actual
time=10.207..243.079 rows=416 loops=1)
               Output: pols.pol_id, pols.type, pols.kml, pols.geom,
pols.status, pols.owner_id, pols.details, pols.creation_date, pols.country,
pols.state, pols.city, pols.label, (pols.details ->> 'state'::text)
               Index Cond: (geography(pols.geom) &&
(('0101000020E61000009EB7B1D9918E45C082734694F6E636C0'::geography &&
_st_expand(geography(pols.geom), '15000'::double precision)) AND
geography(pols.geom), '15000'::double precision, true) AND
st_convexhull(pols.geom)) * '111195'::double precision) <= '15000'::double
               Rows Removed by Filter: 395
               Buffers: shared hit=2125
   ->  Sort  (cost=11.34..11.36 rows=9 width=3) (actual
time=284.570..284.570 rows=1 loops=1)
         Output: s.state
         Sort Key: s.state
         Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 25kB
         Buffers: shared hit=1062
         ->  Seq Scan on region.states s  (cost=0.00..11.19 rows=9 width=3)
(actual time=180.759..284.564 rows=1 loops=1)
               Output: s.state
               Filter: st_dwithin(geography(st_transform(s.geom, 4326)),
'15000'::double precision, true)
               Rows Removed by Filter: 26
               Buffers: shared hit=1062
 Query Identifier: -6178717669455780324
   Buffers: shared hit=481
 Planning Time: 31.139 ms
 Execution Time: 586.869 ms


pg 14 - postgis 3.1.8
 Nested Loop Semi Join  (cost=0.67..111.50 rows=1 width=263) (actual
time=179.622..59918.477 rows=416 loops=1)
   Output: pols.pol_id, pols.type, pols.kml, json_build_object('type',
'Feature', 'geometry', (st_asgeojson(pols.geom, 9, 8))::jsonb),
pols.status, pols.owner_id, pols.details, pols.creation_date, pols.country,
pols.state, pols.city, pols.label
   Join Filter: ((pols.details ->> 'state'::text) = (s.state)::text)
   Buffers: shared hit=72116 read=1075
   ->  Index Scan using polygons_geography_state_idx on region.polygons
pols  (cost=0.41..55.77 rows=1 width=4656) (actual time=9.477..221.758
rows=416 loops=1)
         Output: pols.pol_id, pols.type, pols.kml, pols.geom, pols.status,
pols.owner_id, pols.details, pols.creation_date, pols.country, pols.state,
pols.city, pols.label, pols.last_updated
         Index Cond: (geography(pols.geom) &&
'15000'::double precision))
geography(pols.geom), '15000'::double precision, true) AND
st_convexhull(pols.geom)) * '111195'::double precision) <= '15000'::double
         Rows Removed by Filter: 395
         Buffers: shared hit=269 read=692
   ->  Index Scan using states_geography_idx on region.states s
 (cost=0.26..54.37 rows=1 width=3) (actual time=142.676..142.676 rows=1
         Output: s.state_code, s.state, s.country, s.geom
         Index Cond: (geography(st_transform(s.geom, 4326)) &&
'15000'::double precision))
         Filter: st_dwithin(geography(st_transform(s.geom, 4326)),
'15000'::double precision, true)
         Rows Removed by Filter: 1
         Buffers: shared hit=70988 read=171
 Query Identifier: -6178717669455780324
   Buffers: shared hit=401 read=45
 Planning Time: 30.729 ms
 Execution Time: 59919.343 ms

Anderson M.
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