[postgis-users] Generating new random points throughout an update

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Fri Nov 17 21:01:35 PST 2023

If you want the answer different each time, you don’t want to feed a seed to ST_GeneratePoints.  

The seed argument was added because some people wanted to generate the same answer for each run.


https://postgis.net/docs/ST_GeneratePoints.html  (note the sentence: The optional seed is used to regenerate a deterministic sequence of points, and must be greater than zero.)



From: postgis-users <postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Brent Wood via postgis-users
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2023 11:53 PM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion <postgis-users at lists.osgeo.org>
Cc: Brent Wood <pcreso at yahoo.com>
Subject: [postgis-users] Generating new random points throughout an update


Hopefully someone can help with a problem I'm having.


I have a table with simple linestrings that I need to create a randomly modified version of.


The linestrings represent vessel tracks. I can identify a set of "similar" tracks & create a single "average" linestring that is somewhat representative.


Many of the records don't have a linestring, but for statistical purposes I need to assign a linestring to each - by creating a jittered version of the average linestring so they are not all identical.


The simplest approach I have tried is to use an update with ST_Project() given a random() distance & random() direction applied to each vertex in the average line.


I use the first two vertices with ST_Makeline(), then append a vertex for the third point, as in the SQL below. 


My problem is that every new line is identical. From some Googled hints, I figure the optimiser has decided to run random() once & re-use the value instead of running the function for every iteration (but I could be wrong!).


Any suggestions as to how I can force a different random result for each record that is updated?

I also tried using ST_GeneratePoints() in a buffer around each point, but need to use something like (random()::int as the seed, and this seems to do exactly the same - valid linestrings are generated, but they are identical, so I'm assuming the seed is not being recalculated for each record.



update events
set jittered = ST_MakeLine(
                           (select ST_Project(
                           from std_tow),
                  (select ST_Project(
                           from std_tow)





  Brent Wood


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