[postgis-users] NOT IN and IN predicates are true at the same time

Caleb Land caleb at land.fm
Wed Oct 25 07:31:49 PDT 2023


I’m very new to PostGIS and I’m running into a seemingly strange situation.

I have a table of geography points, and I am trying to select rows where the point is NOT IN a given list:

  SELECT "address_coordinates".* FROM "address_coordinates" WHERE "address_coordinates"."address_id" = 2269 AND (lonlat NOT IN ('POINT(-100.768049 46.784703)’))

However, this returns rows where the the lonlat column IS the same point because I get the same result row when I run the query with the NOT removed:

  SELECT "address_coordinates".* FROM "address_coordinates" WHERE "address_coordinates"."address_id" = 2269 AND (lonlat IN ('POINT(-100.768049 46.784703)’))

I can get the expected results if I move the NOT to before the column name:

  SELECT "address_coordinates".* FROM "address_coordinates" WHERE "address_coordinates"."address_id" = 2269 AND NOT (lonlat IN ('POINT(-100.768049 46.784703)’))

Any idea what is causing this?

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