Continued performance regression from 3.5.0 with 3.5.1 using ST_Contains
Daryl Herzmann
akrherz at
Thu Dec 26 09:39:36 PST 2024
Howdy All,
I saw some list traffic about a performance regression introduced with
postgis 3.5.0 using ST_Within and I figured what I was observing was
perhaps the same issue. I am now using postgis 3.5.1 and am still
seeing my performance problem, so I figured I had better chime in here
to see what I could be doing wrong :)
My environment is Rocky Linux 9 64bit with pgrpms:
POSTGIS="3.5.1 48ab069" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="170"
hare/proj DATABASE_PATH=/usr/proj94/share/proj/proj.db" (compiled
against PROJ 9.5.1) LIBXML="2.9.13" LIBJSON="0.14" LIBPROTOBUF="1.3.3"
WAGYU="0.5.0 (Internal)"
I notice that proj version mismatch, so I am unsure if that is at play or not...
A common explain analyze looks like so:
postgis=# explain (analyze, buffers) select count(*) from
spc_outlook_geometries where st_contains(geom, ST_Point(-95, 42,
Aggregate (cost=14.80..14.81 rows=1 width=8) (actual
time=11745.230..11745.231 rows=1 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=572500 read=23000
-> Index Scan using spc_outlook_geometries_gix on
spc_outlook_geometries (cost=0.28..14.80 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=0.122..11738.404 rows=49009 loops=1)
Index Cond: (geom ~
Filter: st_contains(geom,
Rows Removed by Filter: 116312
Buffers: shared hit=572500 read=23000
Planning Time: 0.172 ms
Execution Time: 11745.475 ms
(9 rows)
The relation looks like so.
postgis=# \d spc_outlook_geometries
Table "public.spc_outlook_geometries"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
spc_outlook_id | integer | | |
threshold | character varying(4) | | |
category | character varying(64) | | |
geom | geometry(MultiPolygon,4326) | | |
geom_layers | geometry(MultiPolygon,4326) | | |
"spc_outlook_geometries_combo_idx" btree (threshold, category)
"spc_outlook_geometries_gix" gist (geom)
"spc_outlook_geometries_idx" btree (spc_outlook_id)
"spc_outlook_geometries_layers_gix" gist (geom_layers)
Check constraints:
"_sog_geom_isvalid" CHECK (st_isvalid(geom))
"_sog_geom_layers_isvalid" CHECK (st_isvalid(geom_layers))
Foreign-key constraints:
"spc_outlook_geometries_threshold_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (threshold)
REFERENCES spc_outlook_thresholds(threshold)
Even a "cheaper" query takes considerable time.
postgis=# explain (analyze, buffers) select st_area(geom) from
spc_outlook_geometries where st_contains(geom, ST_Point(-95, 42,
4326)) LIMIT 10;
Limit (cost=0.28..14.93 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.115..0.643
rows=10 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=90
-> Index Scan using spc_outlook_geometries_gix on
spc_outlook_geometries (cost=0.28..14.93 rows=1 width=8) (actual
time=0.115..0.641 rows=10 loops=1)
Index Cond: (geom ~
Filter: st_contains(geom,
Rows Removed by Filter: 57
Buffers: shared hit=90
Planning Time: 0.086 ms
Execution Time: 0.657 ms
thank you for your time!
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