Composing raster tiles?
Vera Green at
Fri Nov 8 07:15:18 PST 2024
We use command line GDAL for all our Easter processes, if your data is
large I recommend you look into that option.
On Fri, Nov 8, 2024, 6:12 AM David Haynes <haynesd2 at> wrote:
> I'll try and help you with A & B
> a) Is it more efficient to convert the raster to vector data and calculate
> on the those than to calculate directly on the raster?
> >> I don't think it would be faster to convert to vector because that
> would be dumping the raster into polygons. I think for
> specifically calculating slope, you are better off staying in raster.
> b) To my understanding, if I calculate the slope on a raster tile,
> the slope,… of the borders will have accuracy problems. My I idea, was
> to "stitch" a tile with its direct neighbours, calculate on the composed
> tile, and either save a cropped calculated composed tile to its original
> dimension or save the calculated composed tile as is, probably the latter.
> >> Overall correct, some small adjustments. For any raster operation, the
> tiles are operated on independently, so you need to "stitch" them together.
> I've provided a couple of ways in pseduo code
> Way 1
> 1) Use ST_Union and make a big tile,
> 2) Do the spatial operation,
> 3) Break it up using ST_Tile()
> The downside is you might run out of memory doing this. Also consider
> ST_MemUnion()
> SELECT ST_Tile(ST_Slope(ST_Union(r1.ras)), 350,350)
> FROM raster_table
> Way 2)
> A second option is to basically create an aggregate, which is likely
> faster.
> 1) Union the tiles based on ST_Touch - make mega_tiles
> 2) Do the spatial operation on the mega_tiles
> 3) Clip the mega_tiles by the old tiles bounding box
> WITH rtest as
> (
> SELECT r1.ras, ST_Union (r1.ras) as megatile
> FROM raster_table r1
> LEFT JOIN raster_table r2
> ON ST_Touches (r1.geom, r2.geom)
> GROUP BY r1.ras
> )
> SELECT ST_CLIP(ST_SLOPE(megatile), ST_Envelop(r1.rast) ) as ras
> FROM rtest
> Maybe someone wants to make an aggregate for the raster functions?
> On Thu, Nov 7, 2024 at 3:31 PM <thiemo at> wrote:
>> Hi
>> In my project
>> I have the
>> table
>> treintaytres topo_files␟t 1111 uuid id
>> treintaytres topo_files␟t 93 timestamptz entry_pit
>> treintaytres topo_files␟t 1111 uuid source_id
>> treintaytres topo_files␟t 12 text file_name
>> treintaytres topo_files␟t 1111 raster tile
>> treintaytres topo_files␟t 93 timestamptz
>> file_creation_pit
>> treintaytres topo_files␟t 12 text file_hash
>> TILE contains topographical height raster data from OpenTopography.
>> They are from different regions, let's say, some tiles cover
>> Switzerland, some cover New Zealand. I want to create slope and other
>> data from the height data and I have some questions I hope you can
>> answer or point me to answers.
>> a) Is it more efficient to convert the raster to vector data and
>> calculate on the those than to calculate directly on the raster?
>> b) To my understanding, if I calculate the slope on a raster tile, the
>> slope,… of the borders will have accuracy problems. My I idea, was to
>> "stitch" a tile with its direct neighbours, calculate on the composed
>> tile, and either save a cropped calculated composed tile to its
>> original dimension or save the calculated composed tile as is,
>> probably the latter.
>> Can I compose as follows?
>> from TOPO_FILES␟T R1
>> left outer join TOPO_FILES␟T R2
>> on ST_Touches(R1.TILE
>> ,R2.TILE)
>> or ST_Intersects(R1.TILE
>> ,R2.TILE)
>> where TRUE
>> --and R1.ID =
>> '6b8ca53a-bb5f-4c2b-a9c9-94b6a706e9b0'
>> and TRUE)
>> ,NION as (select CURRENT_TILE as TILE
>> union
>> select ST_Union(TILE) as COMPOSED_TILE
>> from NION
>> group by CURRENT_ID;
>> c) Finally, I want to select all the areas where slope, TRI,… conform
>> certain criteria and have a minium surface size. Do I do it this
>> better on vector data and do I need to do this on data composed of all
>> the contiguous areas?
>> I would be grateful for any nudge into the right direction. Maybe URLs
>> with samples.
>> Kind regards
>> Thiemo
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