PostGIS topology full story

Mon Feb 10 04:25:12 PST 2025

Hello M. Valanzano,

From what I know about PostGIS topology :

> who developed it and when this development started
> which have been the mayor releases and improvements during the years

- If you look the Postgis Git repository :

A lot of work is / was done by Sandro Santilli (
He works currently for NIBIO - Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research and they develop web services to edit features with PostGIS Topology :

> which are the users that are using the topology for working with tables with millions of rows (I am asking this because I have read, but I do not remember where, that PostGIS topology is very slow and appropriate only for small datasets).

- So for users, Norway at least to manage their National Land Resource Map.
- And here are the slides of a presentation at FOSS4G in 2015 "What happens when you put 1 billion points into Postgis Topology?"

Best regards,
Julien Monticolo

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