[OSRS-PROJ] java port of proj-4

James Macgill j.macgill at geog.leeds.ac.uk
Sun Apr 2 07:46:33 PDT 2000

I am looking to improve support for projections in my open source Java 
mapping toolkit geotools.

proj seems like a good place to start so I'm looking to port the code into 
a Java class library that can be used separately or in conjunction with 

Before I start however, I would like to check that an open source 
implementation of the code is not already available in Java so that I don't 
waste my time re-implementing it.

If there is no existing port then I will set to work.  Is there a set of 
test files that I could use to put through any code that I write to check 
that I am getting the right results?

Thanks in anticipation

James Macgill
Center for Computational Geography
GeoTools - The open source Java mapping toolkit

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