[OSRS-PROJ] gauss-krueger/transverse mercator

Andreas Lange Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de
Mon Jun 12 04:43:19 PDT 2000


i have a problem with the transverse mercator projection (Gauss-Kruger
Projection) only indirectly connected to proj4.

I am writing a program for data exchange with garmin gps receivers,
which give the position always in lat/lon wgs84, even if the receiver
itself displays position and waypoints in 'german grid' coordinates
(transverse mercator projection). I know that german grid here for
germany uses 3 degree wide meridian stripes (0d, 3d E, 6d E etc.), adds
a false easting of 500000 and prefixes the zone (0, 1, 2, 3, etc). 

But what on the southern hemisphere? Is there a constant false northing
of 10000 m added as with UTM? The receiver displays only "----", so that
i assume it is not defined for southern hemisphere. 

What with western longitudes? What with two-digit zones?

The receiver gives me the following readings:
lat    lon     easting/northing
29.27N 10.5W   5436500/5815100 (??)
29.27N 10.5E   4354200/3240000 (ok)
29.27N 18.83E  5579200/1675000 (??)
29.27N 18.83W  5923300/9718000 (??)
85.44N 18.83E  5009100/0035000 (??)
85.44N 18.83W  5923000/9718000 (??)

Are those values (??) only an internal overflow of the receiver?

Thank you in advance for any hints,

Andreas Lange

Andreas Lange, 65187 Wiesbaden, Germany, Tel. +49 611 807850
Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de, A.C.Lange at GMX.net

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