[OSRS-PROJ] C++ friendly header file?

Rick Brownrigg brownrig at erg.sri.com
Thu Mar 30 07:40:49 PST 2000

I've used this library for years, and its great to see renewed interest
in it.

As I typically use C++, I've found that I have problems linking my
code.  My quick-N-dirty solution is to patch the "projects.h" header
file, surround everything by

    #ifdef __cplusplus
        #extern "C" {
    #ifdef __cplusplus

directives.  This is easy enough to do, but I inevitably forget for new
installations.  There may also be a cleaner approach, and I admit I
haven't investigated thoroughly.

Anyone else see this?  Have better solutions?  More to the point, could
we get whatever prefered solution incorporated into the next release?


Rick Brownrigg

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