[OSRS-PROJ] commercial apps
Norman Vine
nhv at cape.com
Tue Sep 18 20:52:13 PDT 2001
Clifford J Mugnier writes:
>What is GeoTrans? The only one I know about is the
>"Geographic Translator"
>that is part of the Department of Defense Joint Mapping Tool
>Kit (JMTK).
FYI - NIMA has released the code
Source Code Disclaimer
1. The GEOTRANS source code ("the software") is provided free of charge by
the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) of the United States
Department of Defense. Although NIMA makes no copyright claim under Title 17
U.S.C., NIMA claims copyrights in the source code under other legal regimes.
NIMA hereby grants to each user of the software a license to use and
distribute the software, and develop derivative works.
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