[OSRS-PROJ] PROJ 4.4.5 Release Issued

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Fri Jan 11 08:09:48 PST 2002

Peter S Galbraith wrote:

>>Pursuant to the terrible bug with datum shifting (excepting the NAD27/83
>>conversions) I have issued a new PROJ release with the fix.
> Hi Frank,
> As a sanity check that I've built the Debian package correctly, I always
> run a few simple commands and check that the ouput is identical to what
> prior versions of proj produced.
> For example:
> $ cat > /tmp/test.dat
> -65   49
> -65.1 49.1
> 99    99
> -66   49
> -66   49.1
> ^D
> $ proj +proj=lcc +lat_o=48.5 +lon_0="-62.5" -m 1:111120 -f '%.5f' /tmp/test.dat
> -1.66309        51.62829
> -1.72670        51.73125
> *       *
> -2.32805        51.65025
> -2.32415        51.75131
> Prior to this version, I always obtained a different output of:
> -1.66314        51.62596
> -1.72676        51.72892
> *       *
> -2.32812        51.64792
> -2.32423        51.74899
> Is this a reflection of the fixed bug?  Or is something wrong?


This is a function of the default ellipsoid now being WGS84 instead of clrk66.
If you do the same, but add +ellps=clrk66 you will get your old answers.  I
thought this changed before 4.4.4.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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