[OSRS-PROJ] Proj.exe configuration or installation
Paul Selormey
paul at toolscenter.org
Wed Jul 3 18:04:33 PDT 2002
Hello All,
In fact, I have never used the proj.exe (only the dll). I have just started
playing with it and having problems on Windows (2000)
My own compillation using the VC++IDE works, but with the compillation
using the accompanied makefile, commands like
proj -lp
proj -le
works. But projections like in the proj4 faq fails, ie
proj +proj=utm +lon_0=112w -r
The console screen output looks like this...
K:\Download\GIS\lib\Projection\proj-4.4.5>proj +proj=utm +lon_0=112w -r
Rel. 4.4.5, 9 January 2002
projection initialization failure
cause: major axis or radius = 0 or not given
program abnormally terminated
This commandline, however, works with my own compillation. What am I
missing here? what installation is required?
Best regards,
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