[OSRS-PROJ] Proj4 documentation

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Mon Jun 17 18:46:12 PDT 2002

Hi Mike,
I have found that XML docbook is a pretty good format for documentaion.
OpenJade can be used to generate HTML online documents from the source,
and there is also a passable docbook to PDF conversion script available.
Since docbook is text based, using it in a CVS context works fine too. I
guess the hardest part you will find with the proj documentation is
handling the many diagrams.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mike Schmidt 
To: osrs-proj at remotesensing.org 
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2002 3:48 AM
Subject: [OSRS-PROJ] Proj4 documentation


With Frank Warmerdam's kind permission, and after some email
exchanges with Gerald Evenden, I have volunteered to take over the
documentation for Proj4. Sadly, this does not mean there will be a new
manual tomorrow, or even the next day. It will take me some time to
gather and integrate all the current information. With a little luck, I
to have something in place by the fall. The new documentation sources
will be placed in the proj4 cvs, and will therefore be accessible to
everyone. The intent is to produce pdf output, probably html, and
possibly xml. The exact toolset that will be used is not definite yet. I
not planning any translations from English at this point. You will be
welcome and even encouraged to volunteer to translate once the
originals are in CVS. 

I welcome all your suggestions, comments, etc. Please email me at the
address below or email this list, clearly indicating in the subject line
your message is for the proj4 documentation. Please don't mix
documentation comments with other types of comments, I may miss
them in that case.
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