[OSRS-PROJ] orthographic projection with proj4 and mapserver.

Gerald I. Evenden gerald.evenden at verizon.net
Thu Aug 14 08:27:58 PDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 10:21, Judd Taylor wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Craig Bruce" <csbruce at cubewerx.com>
> To: "[OSRS-PROJ]" <osrs-proj at remotesensing.org>
> I could use some pointers in this arena as well, if anyone on this list has
> any. Right now I'm using the General Polygon Clipping (GPC) library to clip
> my polygons from the GSHHS coastline set (GPC website:
> http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/aig/staff/alan/software/gpc.html). Unfortunately,
> this takes forever to clip the larger polygons in that coastline set (~1.4
> million points).

I forgot to mention on my previous email that the coastline files I use
are not set up as "closed figures" and thus may not function with some
clipping functions.  This brings up a second set of questions:

1. the above mentions a clipping program source but no source for the
	coastline data source.  What data source was used?  A url?

2. Does the source file(s) include political boundaries?  Current?

3. Anyone know of current "erosion" programs?  Programs that remove
	points from a coastline file based on the complexity of the
	coastline itself.  15 years ago I had a couple of reasonable
	procedures but have since lost them.

Gerald I. Evenden <gerald.evenden at verizon.net>

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