[OSRS-PROJ] Pseudo X/Y values, forward and reverse

William Hersman Willy.Hersman at conocophillips.com
Thu Jan 30 15:58:30 PST 2003


Thank you, this is making more sense now.  The number of derivatives used
in the algorithm limits how far from the central meridian that you can go
and still expect to return to the same lat/long.  Is this only on the
inverse calculation or is this on the forward calculation as well.  In
other words, do the calculated x/y values from the forward projection
suffer in accuracy?  Also, was there some reason why they did not carry out
the formula with more derivatives in PROJ4?

William Hersman
ConocoPhillips, Alaska

                    "Clifford J Mugnier" <cjmce at lsu.edu>                                                  
                    Sent by: owner-osrs-proj at remotesensing.org                                            
                    01/30/2003 01:53 PM                                                                   
                    Any replies will be addressed to: osrs-proj                                           
                     To:   osrs-proj at remotesensing.org                                                    
                     Subject:    Re: [OSRS-PROJ] Pseudo X/Y values, forward and reverse                   


It's the implementation.  I think John P. Snyder's book and formulae were
used for PROJ4.  That would mean that the formulae for TM are to the 5th
derivative.  That barely gets to +/- 3 degrees from the central meridian.
7th derivative gets almost to 4 degrees difference.  Fifteenth derivative
gets to +/- 24 degrees from the central meridian with 1 mm "round-trip"
computational accuracy.

Cliff Mugnier
William Hersman wrote:
> Input    -175.1234589    59.7654305  DD
> Return   -4054878.4814   2990301.082 ASP 4 FEET
> Input    -4054878.4814   2990301.082 ASP 4 FEET
> Return   -175.1487387    59.7638269  DD


It would clearly help alot if you could provide the details of the
coordinate system.  I tried this:

warmerda at gdal2200[237]% proj -I -v +init=nad27:5004 +units=ft
#Transverse Mercator
#       Cyl, Sph&Ell
# +init=nad27:5004 +units=ft +proj=tmerc +datum=NAD27 +lon_0=-150 +lat_0=54
# +k=.9999 +x_0=152400.3048006096 +y_0=0 +no_defs +ellps=clrk66
# +nadgrids=conus,ntv1_can.dat
-4054905.40     2990291.47             (input)
175d7'10.261"W  59d45'56.295"N         (output)

warmerda at gdal2200[238]% proj -v +init=nad27:5004 +units=ft
#Transverse Mercator
#       Cyl, Sph&Ell
# +init=nad27:5004 +units=ft +proj=tmerc +datum=NAD27 +lon_0=-150 +lat_0=54
# +k=.9999 +x_0=152400.3048006096 +y_0=0 +no_defs +ellps=clrk66
# +nadgrids=conus,ntv1_can.dat
175d7'10.261"W  59d45'56.295"N          (input)
-4054186.84     2990083.90              (output)

I see there is an over 700 ft difference in the positions.  Far more than
I would have expected.  In this case the longitude is 25 degrees away from
the central meridian for the zone, but I wouldn't have thought the
reversibility of the equations would have been so poor at that distance.

Cliff, you mentioned that the TM coordinates would not be reversible at
great distances.  Is this the nature of the TM equations or a weakness in
their implementation with PROJ.4?

Best regards,


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