[OSRS-PROJ] projection formulation

a a list672000 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 30 08:04:51 PDT 2003


I would like gdalwarptest to be able to output files in a particular "map projection".  This list was recommended as a forum where folks might be able to suggest a suitable proj4 projection formulation.

I've attached a jpeg to this email that might communicate what I am thinking.  I will try to describe it in words here.  I want to reproject any equirectangular raster data that is above 45 degrees north or below 45 degrees south into a different "map projection".   That map projection is described by the two squares at the bottom of the jpeg.  If it is not clear from the jpeg what I am thinking, please let me know and I will try to describe using more words.

Thank you for your time.


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