[OSRS-PROJ] proj.4 in VB
Alexander Weidauer
alex.weidauer at huckfinn.de
Wed Jun 25 13:36:43 PDT 2003
Hi Christopher,
The usage of the proj utility under Microsoft einvirionment is a litte
bit tricky because it is build for a unix environment and looks for
a standard directory called .....\nad\ in the distribution. But there is
a routine tht tries to find that directory in 3 or 4 way
1. in /usr/locale/proj
2. in /usr/home/~/proj
3. in /bin/proj I' think not shure
4. via a environment vatriaable via proj_lib=....
I doi'nt know what DLL do yo use. In my distribution I have the
same problems and add a new initalization routine in C.
// proj_init_plus_path for the Win32 Borland Environment
// ..written by A. Weidauer alex.weidauer at huckfinn.de
#include <string.h>.h"
#include "projects.h"
static char *ProjDataPath = NULL;
static const char *ProjFileFinder( const char *aFile )
static char *aLastPath = NULL;
if( ProjDataPath == NULL )
return aFile;
if( aLastPath != NULL )
free( aLastPath );
aLastPath = (char *) malloc(strlen(ProjDataPath)+strlen(aFile)+2);
strcpy( aLastPath, ProjDataPath );
strcat( aLastPath, "\\" );
strcat( aLastPath, aFile );
return aLastPath;
PJ * pj_init_plus_path( const char *definition, const char *aDataPath )
if( aDataPath != NULL ) {
if( ProjDataPath != NULL )
free( ProjDataPath );
ProjDataPath = strdup(aDataPath);
pj_set_finder( ProjFileFinder );
return pj_init_plus(definition);
If not you use my API (..see http://www.tripleware.huckfinn.de
So in the DLL version 4.4.7 it should work like this (Sorry vcode as
// load transformation gk4-d from file ..\nad\world
pj :=_pj_init_plus_path
('+proj=tmerc +ellps=bessel +lon_0=12 +x_0=500000'
// if projection allocation fails
If (pj=NIL) Then Begin
// check error conditions
Writeln('error by init !',S);
I hope you will translate it in your language and it will help you
succesfull . If there more problems send me a mail.
// EndOf
Christopher Pouliot schrieb:
> Hello,
> I have downloaded the proj.dll file (v4.4.6) and am trying
> unsuccessfully to use it in Visual Basic. The simple initialization
> code below causes a fatal error in VB and crashes the program. My
> experience working with external DLLs is limited so any assistance or
> sample VB code would be greatly appreciated.
> Private Declare Function pj_init Lib "c:\software\proj\bin\proj.dll"
> (ByVal argc As Integer, ByRef argv() As String) As String
> Private Sub Command1_Click()
> Dim anArr(2) As String
> Dim aResponse As String
> anArr(0) = "proj=utm"
> anArr(1) = "zone=11"
> anArr(2) = "ellps=GRS80"
> aResponse = pj_init(3, anArr)
> End Sub
> Thank you,
> Chris
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