[OSRS-PROJ] Problems with cs2cs...
Sverre Planke
planke at vbpr.no
Fri Mar 21 09:16:02 PST 2003
I have downloaded proj-4.4.6 and installed it
on a Linux box today. But I can not get
cs2cs to reproduce the test results... (se below)
Any suggestions on what could be wrong...
set CC=(/usr/local/PROJ4/proj-4.4.6/bin/cs2cs)
$CC +proj=latlong +datum=NAD83 +to +proj=utm +zone=10 +datum=NAD27 -r <<EOF
45d15'33.1" 111.5W
45d15.551666667N -111d30
+45.25919444444 111d30'000w
* * 0.000
53329298.26 0.00 0.000
53329298.26 0.00 0.000
Sverre Planke
Daglig leder (CEO)
Volcanic Basin Petroleum Research AS
Forskningsparken, Gaustadalleen 21
0349 Oslo, Norway
Phone : +47-2295 8924
Mobile: +47-9575 6097
Email : planke at vbpr.no
Web : vbpr.no
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