Clifford J Mugnier cjmce at lsu.edu
Tue Oct 21 09:51:52 PDT 2003

Generally speaking that is correct IF you are only interested in staying
within the +/- 3 degrees of the central meridian.  Zone extensions can be
problemmatic, especially for surveying/geodetic transformation accuracies.
When one starts "chasing millimeters," there are more mathematical details
that need to be accounted for.  For GIS applications withing the 6-degree
belt, they are usually inconsequential.

Cliff Mugnier
Omry Yadan wrote:
> So generally speaking, if I have a working implementation of TMERC, its
> a matter of parameters to make it include UTM?


Right.  You can do any UTM projection conversion with appropriate choice of
Transverse Mercator parameters.

Best regards,

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